Lists: Simple List

Layout Views

The widget component template

Learn how to do it:

Simple List

  • Who does (List Item) Number 2 work for?
  • List Item three - w/out hyperlink
  • Jose' Quatro, you are a list item of mine


Customize with CSS Classes.

Learn how to do it:

Title Styles

Small: item-title-small

Medium: item-title-medium

Large: item-title-large

Make Heading Tag: title-tag-h5 

Center Text: text-center

Ordered & Unorderded Lists

Bulleted: list-bullet

  • Who does (List Item) Number 2 work for?
  • List Item three - w/out hyperlink
  • Jose' Quatro, you are a list item of mine

Numbered: list-numbered

  • Who does (List Item) Number 2 work for?
  • List Item three - w/out hyperlink
  • Jose' Quatro, you are a list item of mine

Content Dividers

Divider: list-divider

  • Who does (List Item) Number 2 work for?
  • List Item three - w/out hyperlink
  • Jose' Quatro, you are a list item of mine

Striped: list-striped

  • Who does (List Item) Number 2 work for?
  • List Item three - w/out hyperlink
  • Jose' Quatro, you are a list item of mine

Small: item-title-small

  • Who does (List Item) Number 2 work for?
  • List Item three - w/out hyperlink
  • Jose' Quatro, you are a list item of mine

Large: item-title-large

  • Who does (List Item) Number 2 work for?
  • List Item three - w/out hyperlink
  • Jose' Quatro, you are a list item of mine


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