The focus is on four (4) areas: 1. instructional technology to help faculty develop new skills and best practices in a variety of areas for instructional technology, 2. searching and information management to help our faculty sharpen their skills for searching and managing information, 3. Teaching about the EHR to help our faculty improve skills for teaching learners about the EHR, for teaching learners with the EHR and using the EHR as a research tool and 4. Technology for personal efficiency to help our faculty identify their personal needs and learn new tools to add efficiency to their work as academicians and clinical educators.
The pedi.edtech team is available to help through web-based tutorials, personal consultations, workshops and presentations.
Virginia Niebuhr, Ph.D.
Project Director
Patricia S. Beach, M.D.
Associate Project Director
Mark Wolffarth, M.D.
Project Team Member
Bruce Niebuhr, Ph.D.
Project Team Member
Ann Rudnicki, Ed.D.
Project Evaluator
Schelli Slocomb Gondesen
Technology Specialist
Mary Jo Urbani
Systems Analyst/Educational Technologist