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UTMB Licensed Technology Products
Available for UTMB Faculty FREE

Microsoft Office FREE Online Training

All faculty at UTMB have Microsoft Office 2013 or 2016 available to them. This includes more than just Outlook for Email. It also includes Excel, Word, PowerPoint, OneNote, Publisher and Lync. Check out Microsoft training guides to help you get started or just to brush up your skills. If you think you need one of these products and don't see it on your desktop, just call 25200 for help accessing the Microsoft Tools.

Office 365 Training Center FREE

BlackBoard Learning Management System

Installation: Not necessary. Part of iUTMB home page
Tutorials: Available at www.utmb.edu/blackboard

EndNote Basic

UTMB Moody Library offers EndNote to help faculty and students search, organize and share research. Click here for a Quick Guide. EndNote Web automatically formats bibliographies in various formats.

Use the Cite While you Write plug-in on the EndNote Web Format Tab to insert references, and format citations and bibliographies automatically while you write your papers in Word. This plug-in also allows you to save online references to your library in Internet Explorer for Windows.

SigmaPlot 14

SigmaPlot is a scientific graphing and analysis tool with a comprehensive feature list. In addition to producing publication quality graphs, SigmaPlot also can perform mathematical transforms and statistical analyses.

Academic Resources provides the UTMB research community with the site license for SigmaPlot Version 13. This is a network license that enables for 50 concurrent users at any given time. SigmaPlot is available as a virtual application at UTMB MyCitrix, for use on a variety of devices including Mac computers and most tablets (Windows, Android, and iOS). There is no need to download SigmaPlot, just install the free Citrix Receiver.


SoftChalk is a tool for creating learning objects. UTMB has a limited number of licenses for installation. SoftChalk marketing claims "if you can use word processing, you can use SoftChalk" and "If it's not easy, its not SoftChalk."


SPSS is a high-powered statistical analysis package for Windows and Apple computers. Academic Computing provides and manages a 30 concurrent intranet user license.

Audience Response Systems

Poll Everywhere

This is FREE to UTMB employees and students. It utilizes UTMB's single Sign On (SSO) capabilities to allow use of existing UTMB username and password to access Poll Everywhere. that's one less password for you to remember!


Runs under BlackBoard. This application allows a-synchronous voice and media communications associated with educational objects like PowerPoint presentation. VoiceThread is fully integrated to BlackBoard and Instructors can add VoiceThread to their blackboard courses.

Which Browser Is BEST?

As of 6/11/2018, UTMB officially uses IE 11 for its browser. However, users can upgrade if they want, but we can't guarantee that internal UTMB sites will work properly. Users may install alternate browsers themselves, like Firefox or Chrome, if they do want an up-to-date browser. You can download it from here. 6/11/2018



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