UTMB Faculty Senate
May 8, 2023
  1. Faculty Senate Meeting - Call to Order

    The Meeting was called to order by Dr. Chris Messenger at 4:30 pm.

    • Attendance “Roll Call” & Establishing Quorum, confirming a senator is present to represent each school.
      • Dr. Diane Collins – SHP
      • Dr. Misha Syed – JSSOM
      • Dr. Ramkumar Menon– GSBS
      • Dr. Jacquelyn Svoboda – SON
      •  Dr. Brian Downer- SPPH
    • Agenda Adoption
      • Dr. Shannan Rossi motioned to adopt the agenda, second was provided by Dr. Sharon Croisant. No objections, the agenda is adopted.
    • Prior Meeting Minutes
      • Approved and uploaded to the website 
  2. Dr. Cara Geary provides updates on UTMB’s My Wellness Office
    • Dr. Cara Geary provides updates on the Wellness Office and Initiatives including:
      • Faculty-Focused Endeavors
      • Campus-Focused Endeavors
      •  2 Leadership programs created for faculty: “Scholars In Leading”, “Scholars In Healing”.
      • Meaning and Purpose Dinners: A 10-month program involving monthly dinners where the focus is on community-building and collegiality.
      • Having a UTMB Wellness Model
      • A website is currently being developed containing information about overall wellness, further details will be provided soon. This will be accessible to all employees, clinicians, learners, students, and faculty. 
  3. Officer, Board, and Standing Committee Reports:
    • Executive: Dr. Messenger provided an overview regarding the current bills (16,17,18) at the Texas Senate. These bills contain information pertaining to Tenure and Diversity initiatives.  
      • Dr. Messenger further provides an update on the President of UTMB and how he wants to know what the faculty needs from him directly. The new President is data driven and will move accordingly aligning with evidence. Dr. Messenger gives all the Senate the charge to proceed with gathering information and collect data to present to the President of UTMB.
    • University: Potentially a memorial for people that have spent a significant amount of time at UTMB as well as students and residents.
    • Education: Currently working with Dr. Lucy Villarreal regarding her idea with having mentors for students and using the Faculty Senate as a resource.
    • Clinical: Dr. Carmichael not available to provide an update.
    • Research: The committee will be meeting with Dr. Urban regarding a proposal for a “Training Educational Grant” as well as a Foundation Grant. They are working with the University Committee and will have an update for next month.
  4. Old Business, New Business & General Orders
    • No unfinished business from last meeting.
    • No new business
    • At 5:26 pm Dr. Misha Syed motioned to move into Executive Session, Dr. Rossi provided a second. Committee meetings ended at 5:39 pm.
    • Committee Meetings - Closed Senate Meeting (Attendees: UTMB Faculty Senators Only)
      • Clinical: No update or report.
      • Education: No update or report.
      • Research: 2 items to discuss:
        • Delays in hiring international scholars to UTMB, huge delay in processing visa paperwork.
        • Dr. Urbans office was alerted of the fetal research. The state of Texas is developing new rules for this type of research and the Research Committee would like clarification.
      • University: Continued conversation regarding the memorial, any further discussion will take place after Faculty Senate.
    • Dr. Claudia Hilton moved to exit “Executive Session”; Dr. Sharon Croisant provided a second.
    • Dr. Misha Syed motioned to adjourn.

Meeting adjourned at 6PM