UTMB Faculty Senate
September 12, 2022

1. Faculty Senate Meeting - Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order by Dr. Chris Messenger at 11:30 AM

2. Brief Summary 

  • Dr. Pine is away on sabbatical; Dr. Messenger will be serving as Chair-Elect and Chair of the Executive Committee. For the executive committee have met monthly with the Provost and discuss topics relevant to both parties. Per Dr. Pines request, the President and Provost agreed to license the Calm app for Faculty. The Senate and Dr. Pine led the senate to present an approved resolution proposing for parking subsidies and that they can use the faculty discretion development funds. There was an amendment to the bylaws to add 3 new faculty senators to represent the new SPPH. Dr. Rossi, Dr. Messenger and Dr. Mouton met to discuss several topics including the faculty compensation incentive plan, as well as faculty representation on the upcoming presidents search commit

3. Committee Updates:

  1. The University Committee: (Dr. Messenger) Talked about sharing governance, the FCIP, there continues to be discussion about Endowments and their use for faculty salary coverage. There continues to be interest in dependent care services, ongoing difficulties with the process of procuring and reimbursement for things done in the day to day.
  2. Research Committee: (Shannan Rossi) The Committee was able to meet in different locations with Dr. Urban in his capacities both as Vice President and Chief Research Officer to describe a number of concerns and opportunities that they as researchers have.
    1. Ever Increasing Cost for Publishing: They are looking into ways that they can potentially offset the increase in costs, especially for those that are in the clinical instead of research where those funds might not be dedicated for the rising publication fees. 
    2. The Material Transfer Agreement Process: This is an integral component for the collaboration efforts with Research activities. The committee is working with that office as well as legal to streamline and make the process better.
    3. Other Committee Activities: This past year the committee has taken on other activities such as the need for bridge funding, efforts to recognize young faculty, the ability to get good reimbursements in a timely manner. Anticipate supply chain issues and determine where those needs might be in the future. The committee also talked about international hires and the ability to have a more stream lined on-boarding process and how myPTO will impact researchers.
  3. Clinical Committee: (Lucy Villarreal) The clinical committee centered activities on faculty retention with discussion and recommendation with steppingstone solutions in 5 key areas: 
    1. The Faculty Compensation Plan: Faculty report struggling with understanding the language and goals of the compensation plan furthermore RVU goals are fluid and the goal post constantly set higher. The Committee endorses the availability of updated resources for faculty understanding of the compensation plan.
    2. Perpetuating for Personal Growth: Creating an environment of growth especially for junior faculty which would encourage both recruitment and retention of new faculty. Consideration for senior faculty to hand over responsibilities to junior faculty supports development and retention.
    3. Support of Education and Research Efforts Emphasis on clinical productivity is overshadowed and minimizes those who have passion for non-grant driven education research efforts. Recommendations have included visible recognition and respectful protection of time designated for education and research activities.
    4. Addressing The 4 Hour Clinical Requirements Mandates to add additional patients to UTMBs clinic schedules and tightened templates has added overtime burden and further overwhelmed clinicians. Review of policy impact on financial gain, compliance, feasibility will be necessary to weigh collections vs overtime and numbers vs faculty burnout.
    5. Faculty Support In Clinics Schedule And Beyond: The recurring theme and bottom line to clinical faculty retention seems to be faculty support. Committee discussions recognize that clinical load and duties increase without similar increases in staffing support. The result is less time and energy for teaching, education and research effort. The Clinical Committee recommendations urge careful review and increase in staffing and support for faculty
  4. Education Committee: (Jacquelyn Svoboda) The Committee has had a few focus areas as a sub-committee:
    1. Wellness: There is excitement for the wellness initiatives and looking at wellness for not only faculty but also the trainees. Some of the action items as a committee moving forward are using the calm app across the board, looking for opportunities to revive faculty counseling, as well as looking at employing wellness officers. Making the field house a low-cost option for all, also looking for options for more social support between faculty and trainees.
    2. Faculty Recruitment: The committee is specifically wanting more educators in education. It was noted that more faculty that are clinical based are entering and really the action plan is to seek initiatives to create a faculty development plan and recruit more educators into education and research.
    3. Faculty Retention: There were concerns across all of the committees with faculty retention and mitigating the burnout. Looking at stability for Tenure vs Non-Tenure , there were discussions about the contracts and what that looks like for everyone on the academic side. Also concerns on the academic side, the accountability of time that’s outside of direct teaching and or clinically built in. Some of the action items moving forward is to seek initiatives that will mitigate the faculty burnout and improve faculty stability.
    4. Workflow: The concern for barriers and facilitators to faculty support and the reimbursement process. Moving forward looking at ways to bridge the gap and identify the barriers that faculty are running into to getting either their reimbursements or having the direct support that they need to get their work done.
    5. Education Delivery: This is more when there were discussions about covid restrictions that were a constant barrier. The action plan is to address this as needed as the year progresses

4. Dr. Cara Geary, MD, PhD: Chief Wellness Officer – “UTMB Wellness Program”
Aim to adding a 4th mission into the fabric of health care which is improving the provider work life.

  1. Urgency of Caring for Health Care Providers
  • Expected 130k physician shortage in the next 5 years
  • Aging patients & providers (Silver Tsunami)
  • COVID-19 residual impacts and recovery
  • “The Great Resignation” (Staffing Shortages)
  • Ongoing financial challenges
  • Increasing regulatory burdens

2. UTMB MyWellness Program

  • Mission: Help health care providers rediscover calling and purpose by supporting professional fulfillment for UTMB faculty and staff through a multi-faceted model enhancing leadership skills, interpersonal communication, professional resilience, and community building.
  • Vision: UTMB’s work culture fosters and prioritizes care for our employees.

3. Foundation: Stanford Professional Fulfillment Model

  • Culture of Wellness
    • Leadership
    • Values Alignment
    • Community
    • Appreciation
    • Voices/Input
    • Culture of Trust
  • Efficiency of Practice
    • Scheduling
    • Triage
    • Unit Flow
    • Team-Based Care
    • HER Usability
    • Regulatory Work
  • Personal Resilience
    • Self-Care
    • Self-Compassion
    • Meaning-In-Work
    • Work-Life Integration
    • Emotional Flexibility
    • Cognitive Flexibility

4. UTMB’S MyWellness Pilot Program
Bringing back the Physician Leadership Academy and creating it into the scholars and leading Academy a 2-year program aimed at all faculty. As well as bringing back Scholars in Healing, 2-year program aimed at all faculty.

  • Scholars in Leading

    2-year program involving 20 full afternoon sessions per year.

    • Locations rotating between open Gates and LCC
    • Starts January 2023 and finishes November 2024
    • Scholarly project intended to improve your work area
    • Facilitating 10 dinners for faculty colleagues over 1 year period.
    • Time and effort supported by stipend
  • Evidence-based program developed by UTMB Leadership
    • Understanding Healthcare Leadership (from Marco to the Micro)
    • Developing as Leaders (Mastering one’s microcosm)
    • Change Management and Healthcare Business Fundamentals
  • Session Format
    • Lunch with colleagues
    • Meet a leader
    • 45’ Content Presentation by UTMB Leader
    • Individual Work
    • Group Work
  • Scholars in Healing

    2-year program involving 17 afternoon sessions per year.

    • Locations rotating between Open Gates and LCC
    • 3 retreats; one full-day and two 2-day retreats
    • Starts January 2023 and finishes November 2024
    • Scholarly project intended to improve your work area.
    • Facilitating 10 dinners for faculty colleagues over 1 year period.
    • Faculty time and effort supported by stipend.
  • Evidence-based program
    • Awareness, Care and Connection with self
    • Awareness, Care and Connection with Others
    • Awareness, Care and Connection as a Leader
  • Session Format
    • Lunch with colleagues
    • Self-Awareness Training
    • Meet a leader during 2nd half of program
    • 45’ Content presentation by UTMB Leader
    • Individual Work
    • Group Work
  • Sustaining a Impact at UTMB
    • Scholars in Healing Commitment after completion (choose 1)
      • Peer Support program
      • Culture of Wellness Committee
    • Scholars in Leading Commitment after completion (choose 1)
      • Peer Mentor program
      • Efficiency of Practice Committee
  • Meaning and Purpose Faculty Dinners
    • 10 monthly dinners w/8 colleagues over a 1-year period
    • Facilitated by faculty in Scholars in Healing and Leading
    • Focus on community-building and work-life challenges
    • 10 Professional Fulfillment topics
  • Faculty Peer Programs
    • To be created by Scholars in Leading and Scholars in Healing
    • Evidence-based offerings in Peer Mentoring/Support
    • Develop safe venue for professionals to identity options for career mentoring, coaching, and professional and/or personal challenges
  • Committees for Change
    • Efficiency of Practice Committee for Scholars in Leading Graduates
    • Culture of Wellness Committee for Scholars in Healing Graduates
  • Beyond Faculty
    • Plans in place to develop program using the best of SIL & SIH
    • Advanced Practice Provider Faculty in upcoming cohorts
    • Nursing Program actively being developed
    • Workshops and short courses coming for all employees
    Meeting adjourned at 12:30PM.