UTMB Faculty Senate FY2023 Minutes July 10, 2023 UTMB Faculty SenateJuly 10, 2023Minutes Faculty Senate Meeting - Call to OrderThe Meeting was called to order by Dr. Chris Messenger at 4:30 pm. Attendance “Roll Call” & Establishing Quorum, confirming a senator is present to represent each school.Dr. Diane Collins – SHPDr. Peter Beshara– JSSOMDr. J. Michael Leger– GSBSDr. Jacquelyn Svoboda– SONDr. Monique Pappadis - SPPHAgenda AdoptionNo objections, the agenda is adopted. Prior Meeting MinutesApproved and uploaded to the website.Faculty Senate votes for the Chair-Elect for 2024Dr. Messenger indicates to the senators that this election for “Chair-Elect” must be completed via an anonymous form (per the bylaws) and submitted by the end of the meeting.Dr. Bruno, Dr. Svoboda and Dr. Watson-Campbell were allotted time to present themselves to the senators to plead their nomination. Anasthasia Guajardo distributed the anonymous voting ballot to the senators, the ballot closed at 6 p.m.III. Officer, Board, and Standing Committee Reports:Executive: Dr. Messenger, Dr. Rossi and Dr. Pine met with Dr. Charles Mouton to discuss the new President of UTMB. UT System will provide guidance at a later point regarding SB 17 & SB 18. Per Dr. Mouton, we will continue to operate in the way that we have before until they (UT System) tell us to operate differently. Dr. Rossi indicated that Dr. Jones did pose the question about faculty morale which was followed by a discussion with insights on faculty burnout.University: Dr. Villarreal and Dr. McKee met with Dr. Norma Perez to discuss a collaborative effort and present the student/resident/faculty Mentorship program that would help facilitating communication between faculty, residents, and students. With the effort to maintain sustainability of this program, it was agreed there needs to be an establishment of the following: A resident Mentorship Organization, Faculty Senate Provide faculty mentors and a Faculty Advisor for the resident organization to assure sustainability. Education: see University update above.Clinical: No update at this time.Research: Dr. Tzeng discussed, via email, with Dean Melinda Moore in which she indicated she had ideas related to the teaching grant. Dean Moore indicated she would follow up this discussion with Dr. Deborah Jones before presenting information to the Faculty Senate. Unfinished Business & General Orders: No unfinished business from last meeting.New Business:Dr. Villareal motions to form a task force/subcommittee within the Education committee and identify one member to serve as liaison to the SOM mentorship program organization, Dr. Watson Campbell provided a second. The motion carries per the Chair with no opposition.Dr. Watson Campbell motions to move into executive session, Dr. Rossi provided a second.Committee Meetings - Closed Senate Meeting (Attendees: UTMB Faculty Senators Only)Clinical: The committee re-iterated the same dilemmas with food availability for faculty after hours, no feedback has been provided by Mr. Jason Botkin. The committee also supports the initiative presented by Dr. Villareal. Education: No new updateResearch: No new updateUniversity: No new update Dr. Misha Syed motioned to adjourn; Dr. Sharon Croisant provided a second. Meeting adjourned at 6PM