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Needle Sticks, Sharps and

Bloodborne Pathogen Exposures


Provider Checklist

1. The presenting employee should be registered at the Emergency Department (ED) as an "Employee/Student Health Injury" encounter type. This will prevent charges from being directed to the employee and allow access to the Pyxis, should the first dose of prophylaxis be required.

Employees presenting for treatment at the ED should not be sent to the Employee Health Clinic (EHC) for testing/treatment unless they so prefer. EHC business hours are Monday – Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

2. Provide necessary medical care to treat the exposure.

4. If source is positive for HIV, administer first dose of prophylaxis, and consult with HIV specialist by phone to review source patient’s HIV virologic and treatment status.

5. Prescribe only enough medication until a follow-up appointment or source results are available.

6. Advise employee to fill prescription at a UTMB Pharmacy.

7. Students should contact Student Health following their visit for follow up.

8. Employees should contact Employee Health following their visit for follow up. Remind employees to report exposure to Employee Health Management by submitting Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Notification and Management Form (PDF) via email or fax.

For more details, refer to UTMB Policy for BBP Exposures (PDF).

For immediate assistance, please contact Healthcare Epidemiology.