Clinical Laboratory Sciences

Master of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences

Program Goals

The Master of Science degree in Medical Laboratory Science (MSMLS) in the School of Health Professions is designed to prepare the medical laboratory scientist, for a career in research, teaching or management within medical laboratory medicine. Graduates of this program will obtain research, teaching and managerial positions in academia, medical laboratories and in industry.

These programs will develop an individual's ability to:

  1. Utilize the theoretical concepts that are the basis of medical laboratory tests to interpret the significance of results
  2. Propose the clinical significance of clinical laboratory tests results
  3. Trouble shoot causes of laboratory results with questionable quality control results
  4. Recommend appropriate follow up laboratory testing
  5. Utilize an advanced knowledge base in management
  6. Determine correlation of current techniques with potential new techniques
  7. Validate procedures, conduct basic research within the clinical laboratory
  8. Formulate a research question, conduct the study, and write/publish the findings

For Medical Laboratory Science Certified Graduates who have a Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences

The program may be taken at UTMB-Galveston or as a distance program. This degree track can also be taken totally and completed either full or part time. Upon completion of this program, the individual would be awarded the Master of Science in Medical Laboratory Science degree from the University of Texas Medical Branch.

For Individuals with a Bachelor of Science in biology, chemistry, related majors but is not a certified medical laboratory scientist

The program will be taken at UTMB-Galveston. Upon completion of this program, the individual would be awarded the Master of Science in Medical Laboratory Science degree from the University of Texas Medical Branch.

Site managed by the School of Health Professions • Last Updated: 08-SEP-2023