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Center for Addiction Sciences and Therapeutics

CASTing light on cures for addiction at UTMB

Welcome to CASTEducating the next generation of scientists and building research capacity in substance use and mental health disorders to reduce health and societal burdens and destigmatize addiction

The Center for Addiction Sciences and Therapeutics (CAST), formerly the Center for Addiction Research (CAR), recognizes that addiction is a disease and fosters collaborations with basic and clinical scientists and community/industry partners committed to improving the health of this vulnerable population.

  Read more about CAST at UTMB

Contact Us

Center for Addiction Sciences and Therapeutics
Phone: (409) 772-3093
Mailing address:
301 University Boulevard
Galveston, TX 77555-0615



 Momentum Networks

Diagram describing three networks where human/animal, chemical/molelecular and clinical/population components interact

Three Momentum Networks (MNs) have been developed to advance and integrate profiles of knowledge in translational studies toward personalized treatment. The first MN discovers mechanistic drivers of dysfunctional neural processing that initiate and sustain disorders (“cell to human”). The second MN employs this knowledge to advance toward personalized cognitive and medication therapies. The third MN emphasizes the translation of Substance Use Disorder (SUD) sciences into clinical, population, and public health strategies, harnessing health analytics to accelerate precision medicine and clinical health advances.

  Read more about our Mission & Objectives

Last Updated: March 6, 2025 RMG