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Local and national resources and treatment centers

Narcan Locations

  1. Central Church, Galveston, TX
  2. Galveston County Jail, Galveston, TX
  3. St. Vincent’s House, Galveston, TX
  4. Hart Pharmacy, LaMarque, TX
  5. One Stop Hardware, Hitchcock, TX
  6. Sullivans Pharmacy, Bacliff, TX
  7. Coffee Connection, Texas City, TX
  8. Zion Baptist Church, Texas City, TX
  9. HIS Ministries, Santa Fe, TX
  10. By the Bayou Nutrition, Dickinson, TX
  11. Kemah Palms Recovery, Kemah, TX
  12. ADAPT Programs, Angleton, TX

 Get the Mobile App: Gulf Coast Outreach Services

Make Every Day Take Back Day

The DEA has registered a record number of authorized collectors- pharmacies and medical facilities- to collect unused and unwanted prescription drugs year-round. As part of the Every Day is Take Back Day campaign, the community can dispose of old pharmaceutical drugs at locations nationwide.

Close to 17,000 pharmacies and hospitals are helping to clean out medicine cabinets throughout the year. Those locations can be found here. In addition, many police departments provide year-round drop boxes.

The DEA also hosts a bi-annual National Prescription Drug Take Back Day to turn in unused, unwanted medications.

 Learn What You Can Do

Contact Us

Center for Addiction Sciences and Therapeutics
Phone: (409) 772-3093
Mailing address:
301 University Boulevard
Galveston, TX 77555-0615

Last Updated: August 26, 2024 RMG