
Evaluating Health CareHow Do Patients and Families Make Decision about Health Care?

When choosing a health care provider or hospital, check their quality by evaluating:

Acute-care hospitals like UTMB are required to report some of these important measures publicly. Look for hospitals that perform well in the areas that are most important to you, and use this information as one of the factors in your decision.

Results for patient satisfaction and patient health outcomes (how well patients healed for various conditions) can help you find the best hospital and the best health care team for you. They also represent another way that you can have a voice in your care and increase your confidence that you will receive the highest level of care.

We are providing our own patient satisfaction and patient outcome information so our patients and their families can ask questions and discuss their concerns directly with physicians and other care providers.

At UTMB, we also compare our performance with other hospitals in the region, the state and with other academic medical centers in the country. We regularly provide information about our quality and safety performance to numerous national, state and local public reporting organizations including:

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