Imaging Instrumentation

  • Zeiss LSM 880 with Airyscan - Location: BSB 4.328B

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    Zeiss LSM 880Description: Inverted laser scanning confocal/widefield microscope with 5 PMT detectors (2x alkali PMTs, 1x GaAsP PMT, 1x 32 pixel GaAsP PMT detector (airyscan), 1x transmitted light alkali PMT) and a 1936 by 1460 pix. 14 bit monochrome Axiocam 403. Mercury arc and halogen lamps for fluorescence, BF/DIC imaging modes using the camera. Motorized stage for multi-position and tile scans. Incubator enclosure with temperature, atmosphere control and autofocus for live-cell imaging. 3 confocal operating modes: conventional (multichannel snap, z-stack, time-lapse, tiling, FRAP, FRET, spectral unmixing, BF), superresolution (snap, z-stack), fast-confocal (> 80 FPS).

    Lasers (nm): 405 (30mW), 458/488/514 (25mW), 561 (1mW), 633 (5mW)
    Objectives: 63X 1.4 oil, 40X 1.2 corr. water, 20X 0.8 air, 10X 0.45 air, 5X 0.25 air
    Software: ZEN Black (confocal), ZEN Blue (camera, analysis), ZEN Lite (analysis)

  • Zeiss Lightsheet Z.1 - Location: BSB 4.324

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    Zeiss Lightsheet Z1Description: Light sheet (dual side) illumination fluorescent microscope with 2 camera detectors (PCO.Edge sCMOS , 1920 by 1920 pix., 15 bit, > 30 FPS). 3 sample chambers: 2 for cleared samples with n=1.45 (e.g. CLARITY), 1 for live specimens imaging n=1.33. Temperature and atmosphere control and perfusion capabilities for live specimen imaging. Max. sample size (xyz): 1x2x1cm. Optical zoom capable. Imaging modes: z-stack, multiview (multi-angle with post-registration), tiling. 3,4-D rendering, stitching and analysis using arivis Vision4D.

    Lasers (nm):405 (20mW), 445 (25mW), 488 (30mW), 515 (20mW), 561 (20mW), 638 (75mW)
    Objectives: 5X 0.16 air, 20X 1.0 water, 20X 1.0 corr. n=1.45 (CLARITY)
    Software: ZEN Black (acquisition and analysis), ZEN Lite (analysis), arivis Vision4D

  • Olympus FV1000 Multiphoton LSM - Location: GNL 5.306

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    Olympus FV1000Description: Upright laser scanning confocal microscope with 4 detectors (1x alkali PMT, 2x spectral alkali PMTs and 1x transmitted light PMT) and 2 non-descanned detectors for multiphoton imaging (2x alkali PMTs). Mercury arc and halogen lamps for fluorescence, BF/DIC imaging modes using the camera. Motorized stage for multi-position and tile scans. Incubator enclosure with temperature and atmosphere control for live-cell imaging. Imaging modes: multichannel snap, z-stack, time-lapse, spectral unmixing The stage is removable to accommodate live rodent imaging.

    Lasers (nm):405 (25mW), 457/488/514 (30mW), 543 (1mW), 633 (20mW), 690-1040 (2.5W)
    Objectives: 60X 1.42 oil, 20X 0.75 air, other (water immersion) upon request
    Software: FW10-ASW (acquisition and analysis)

  • Nikon Eclipse 800 - Location: BSB 4.346

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    Nikon Eclipse 800Description: Upright fluorescent microscope with 2 camera detectors: a monochrome CoolSNAP fx CCD camera (1300 by 1300 pix., 12 bit) and a DXM1200 color camera (3840 by 3072 pix.) Mercury short arc lamp and halogen lamps are the excitation light sources. Imaging modes: multichannel snap (fluorescence), color imaging of chromophilic samples (e.g. H&E, Gram, PAS), DIC, BF.

    Objectives: 10X 0.3 air, 20X 0.5 air, 40X 0.75 air, 100X 1.4 oil
    Software: Metaview

  • Nikon Swept Field Confocal with TIRF - Location: BSB 4.346

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    Nikon Swept Field Confocal and TIRFDescription: Inverted laser scanning swept field confocal (Opterra) microscope with an EMCCD QuantEM camera detector (512 by 512 pix., 16 bit). Confocality is achieved by scanning a sample with a linear array of either pinholes or stripes. The TIRF illumination module utilizes the same laser lines as the confocal module. The TIRF module uses a monochrome CoolSNAP ES CCD camera (1392 by 1040 pix., 12 bit). Motorized stage for multi-position and tile scans. The system is capable of live-cell imaging and is equipped with an autofocus (Perfect Focus) module. Imaging modes: multichannel snap, z-stack, time-lapse, DIC, PC, BF.

    Lasers: 404 (100 mW), 443 (40 mW), 457/488/514 (200 mW), 561 (100 mW), 640 (40 mW)
    Objectives: 100X 1.3 corr. oil, 40X 1.3 oil, 40X 0.95 corr. air, 60X 1.49 oil (TIRF)
    Software: NIS-Elements (widefield, TIRF, analysis), PrairieView (SF confocal)

  • Zeiss LSM 510 Meta – Location: GNL 6.312Q (BSL3 Facility)

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    Zeiss LSM 510Description: Inverted laser scanning confocal microscope with 4 detectors (2x alkali PMTs, 1x spectral (META) alkali PMT, 1x transmitted light alkali PMT). Mercury arc and halogen lamps for visual sample positioning. Conventional confocal imaging: snap, z-stack, time-lapse, FRAP, FRET, brightfield, DIC, spectral unmixing.

    Lasers: 405 (25mW), 458/477/488/514 (30mW), 543 (1mW), 633 (3mW)
    Objectives: 100X 1.4 oil, 63X 1.2 corr water, 40X 0.95 corr air, 20X 0.75 air, 10X 0.45 water
    Software: LSM 510, LSM 510 Image Browser (basic analysis)

  • Accessories - Location: BSB 4.328

    CO2 IncubatorBioSafety Cabinet

    Description: The OMC provides access to common use instrumentation for live-cell experiments: biosafety cabinet, CO2 incubator, water bath and refrigerator. Disposables and reagents are not provided.