2022-2025: Granting Agency: Alzheimer’s Association AARF 22-973974 (175,000.00 $). Title of grant: Role of microglia in cognitive resilience to Alzheimer’s disease.
2023-2025: Granting Agency: NIA/NIH R21AG082230 (320,000.00 $). Title of grant: Role of microglia in cognitive resilience to Alzheimer’s disease.
2022: Excellence in Research Award, Basic Science Research: 25th Annual Forum on Aging (UTMB).
2022: TARCC (Texas Alzheimer’s Research and Care Consortium) Excellence in Research Poster Award for the 2022 Symposium.
2021: Excellence in Research Award, Basic Science Research: 24th Annual Forum on Aging (UTMB).
2021: Co-author in the winning paper for the 2021 Alzheimer Award by Journal of Alzheimer’s disease.
2021: Best poster award at the Texas Alzheimer’s Research and Care Consortium conference.
2019: Excellence in Research Award, Basic Science Research: 23rd Annual Forum on Aging (UTMB).