8:00 AM – 5:00 PM | Exhibition (Levin Hall Foyer) Posters, Publications, and Artwork |
8:30 AM – 10:00 AM | Plenary Session (C): Beyond Health Care: What Shapes Migrant Health? (Levin Hall Dining Room) - Social determinants of immigrant health
- Non-health policies that shape immigrant health
- Examples of cross-sector actions
- Brenda Wilson - UTMB, Institute for the Medical Humanities, PhD Candidate
- Desarrollode Programasen Migracióny Salud: alianzasy colaboracionesMaria Gudelia Rangel Gomez - Coordinator of the Comprehensive Strategy for Migrant Health in the Mexico Ministry of Health and the Delegate to the U.S.-México Border Health Commission (USMBHC)
- Alfonso Rodriguez Lainz
- Epidemiologist, Division of Global Migration and Quarantine Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
- Vicki Gass - Policy Advisor, Central America, Oxfam America
10:00 AM | Break |
10:15 AM – 10:30 AM | Networking (Levin Hall Dining Room) Facilitator - Lisa Madry - Congregational Engagement Officer, Episcopal Health Foundation (EHF)
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM | Parallel Session (4): Health Humanities (Levin Hall 3.320 Classroom) Moderator - Hani Serag, MD - Health System Research Fellow, Center to Eliminate Health Disparities and Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, UTMB
- Shannon Guillot-Wright -
Community Health Research Fellow, Center to Eliminate Health Disparities, UTMB
- Darlene (Cheyenne) Martin -
Professor, UTMB School of Nursing and Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
- Marianela Acuña Arreaza -
Executive Director, Fe Y Justicia Worker Center
- Rev. Mark Brown - Chief Executive Officer, West Houston Assistance Ministries
Parallel Session (5): Documentation and Legal Status (Levin Hall Auditorium) Moderator - Kate Vickery
- Executive Director, Houston Immigration Legal Services Collaborative
- Nasim Hoomanrad - Social Services Program Manager, Tahirih Justice Center
- Lauren Fisher Flores -
Supervising Attorney, Young Center for Immigrant Children's Rights
- Zenobia Lai - Program Director, Cabrini Center for Immigration Legal Assistance, Catholic Charities
Parallel Session (6): Education and Mental Health Services (Studio) Moderator - Lauren Scott - Associate Director, Ob/Gyn Behavioral Health and Research, UTMB
- Luis R. Torres- Associate Dean of Research and Strategic Partnership, Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston
- Robert Rivera - Retired Chief Executive Officer for Project GRAD USA
- Carlos Cuevas - Associate Professor, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Northeastern University
- Sarah Howell - Las Americas Newcomer School
12:00 PM | Lunch |
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM | Exhibition (Levin Hall Foyer) |
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM | Conference Synthesis (Levin Hall Dining Room) Moderator - Flor Avellaneda - PhD Candidate, Graduate School of Social Work, University of Houston
- Michael Goodman - Instructor, Department of Internal Medicine, UTMB
- Lexi Nolen - Vice-President for Impact, Episcopal Health Foundation (EHF)
- Hani Serag, MD - Health System Research Fellow, Center to Eliminate Health Disparities and Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, UTMB
- Shannon Guillot-Wright
- Community Health Research Fellow, Center to Eliminate Health Disparities, UTMB
- Vicki Gass - Senior Policy Advisor, Central America, Oxfam America
3:00 PM | Break |
3:15 PM – 4:30 PM | Panel Discussion (2) (Levin Hall Dining Room) - How to address the gaps that were highlighted in the synthesis (in relation to policies, and structures)
- What are some opportunities to use to address these gaps
- What are the challenges and how to overcome them
- Hani Serag, MD - Health System Research Fellow, Center to Eliminate Health Disparities and Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, UTMB
- William Tierney, MD
- Chair of Population Health and Professor of Internal Medicine, The University of Texas at Austin, Dell Medical School
- Christine Kovic - Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Houston – Clear Lake (UHCL)
- Rev. Edward Gomez - St. Paul's/San Pablo Episcopal Church
- Rev. Hannah Atkins - Trinity Episcopal Church, Houston, TX
4:30 – 5:00 PM | Closing Remarks: What is Next? (Levin Hall Dining Room) - Philip Keiser, MD - Professor, Division of Infectious Disease, Department of Internal Medicine, UTMB and Galveston County Local Health Authority
- Marcelo Korc - Regional Advisor, Human Security and Sustainable Development, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
- Alexandra (Lexi) Nolen - Vice-President for Impact, Episcopal Health Foundation (EHF)
- Vicki Gass - Senior Policy Advisor, Central America, Oxfam America