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    Dr. Bill Ameredes, Director of the Environmental Exposure and Inhalation Health Core Facility of the University of Texas Medical Branch was interviewed by Investigative reporter Ingrid Lobet of the Houston Chronicle on the development of a personal air monitoring device and its implications for human health.

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    Dr. Lance Hallberg of the Environmental Exposure and Inhalation Health Core Facility of the University of Texas Medical Branch was quoted by investigative reporter Ingrid Lobet in the Houston Chronicle regarding air quality near the Houston port communities and their efforts to address air quality health concerns

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    Personal Air Monitoring


    Video demonstration of device developed by Massachusetts company, Conscious Clothing, Winner of the "My Air Health Challenge" reported on in Houston Chronicle news article "The age of personal air monitoring in which Dr. Bill Ameredes was quoted.

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  • COVID-19 registry uses Harvey model to survey locals

    LanceDr. Lance Hallberg Program Director Environmental & Public Health Education & Engagement at the University of Texas Medical Branch was quoted by investigative reporter Kathryn Eastbum in The Daily News regarding Covid-19 registry using Harvey model to survey locals

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