Please join President David Callender for the next UTMB Town Hall meeting at noon on Thursday, September 18, 2014 in Levin Hall Auditorium. Dr. Callender will outline the institution’s major goals for the new fiscal year, welcome new leaders to UTMB and announce year-end financial results. Please plan to attend Dr. Callender’s Town Hall, either in person, online or via the campus TV network. The meeting will include a Q & A session. Refreshments will be available after the meeting.
If you’d like to submit a question in advance to be read at the meeting (your name will not be used), see the options below. If time constraints do not allow every question to be asked at the meeting, Dr. Callender will be available after Town Hall to answer questions individually. And we’ll post questions and answers to the Town Hall website.
- Click on the “Submit a Question” link on the Town Hall website (option on Employee Advisory Council blog to remain anonymous).
- Or, send a confidential note via interoffice mail addressed to “Talk of the Town,” Route 0149. From off-campus: UTMB Talk of the Town, 301 University Blvd., Galveston, TX 77555-0149.
Town Hall viewing options:
- Town Hall will be broadcast live on campus TV Channel 53; a signal of the meeting is sent to many remote sites (such as RMCH telehealth locations) via the Information Services Video Operations network.
- A live webcast will be offered and will be available using Apple Quicktime stream - (*Note: Quicktime player is required.) Check this site approximately 30 minutes before the meeting for an active link to the webcast.
- CMC participants can view online using a PC and this Media Windows link. To view the meeting using an existing DMS video conference room system, remote locations must RSVP to Veronica Pleasant at vpleasan@utmb.edu or the ISVO Control Room at (409) 747-9037 to ensure and confirm video connectivity for the actual event.