UTMB Faculty Senate Minutes
Monday, June 10, 2024
Teams Virtual Meeting
4:30 PM-6:00 PM
Open Senate Meeting:
Call to Order – Shannan Rossi, PhD, MBA, Faculty Senate Chair
Attendance “Roll Call” & Establishing Quorum
- GSBS – Dr. Maureen Laroche
- JSSOM – Dr. Sreeram Parupudi
- SHP – Dr. Crystal Douglas
- SPPH – Dr. Brian Downer
- SON – Dr. Juan Feng
- Agenda Adoption
- Consent Agenda Adoption – Approved
- Review & Approval of Minutes– May minutes are approved and uploaded to Faculty Senate website.
- Guest Speakers
- Updates
- Unfinished Business & General Orders
- New Business
- Executive Session
- Faculty Compensation Committee – Nominations were provided for the School of Population and Public Health to reflect equal representation on this committee for all schools.
- Call for nominations for FY 25 Chair-Elect. Voting will take place during the July meeting.
- Annual Meeting Chair Reports- Annual meeting will take place September 9, 2024, 11:30 am-1:00 pm. All chairs of sub-committees to provide reports (1-2 slides) during meeting.
- In person attendance is encouraged, registration form will be distributed soon.
- UTMB Senate Governance Committee
- IHOP Policy Reviews-May
- Policies are sent from the compliance office (Mari Robinson) to the Senate Chair and Chair-Elect. Then the policies are distributed to the Faculty Senators for review and to provide feedback. Feedback is due the Friday before the monthly Senate meetings.
- Faculty Senate Survey (Distributed in March)
- Senate must assess when the optimal time is to distribute survey.
- Dr. Shinu Joy suggested distribution at the beginning of fiscal year.
- Proposed Newsletter
- Originated as survey suggestion.
- First draft sent to Cortney Martin for review to ensure formatting and information follows institutional guidelines.
- To be distributed quarterly.
- Senate leadership working on obtaining distribution list for the newsletter. Newsletter will also be posted on the Faculty Senate website.
- Bylaw Review & Discussion
- Article 3 – Section 6 & Section 7
- Modification to make verbiage consistent in section 6 and 7 referring to senators being absent more than three consecutive meetings a year.
- Dr. Karren Lewis motions to modify language between section 6 and 7 to clarify the policy on senator absences. Dr. Christen Sadler provided the second.
- Motion passed by majority vote.
- Article 4 – Section 5
- The re-introduction of a Parliamentarian position within the Faculty Senate to serve as a designee of maintaining the Robert’s Rules. The Parliamentarian will further develop procedures for voting during meetings. Parliamentarian will also inform the Chair and Executive Secretary about the presence of a quorum during Faculty Senate meetings.
- Dr. Karren Lewis motions to approve Parliamentarian section as written. Dr. Karthik Mani provided the second.
- Motion passed by majority vote.
- Further revisions will be tabled until the next meeting in July.
- Dr. Karren Lewis presents “UTMB RVU Faculty Survey Results” and the Clinical Subcommittee findings.
- 73% of respondents indicated RVU’s are a part of their salary.
- There is low satisfaction with the RVU system and a low understanding of how the system works.
- Areas of greatest satisfaction with the RVU system: Incentivizes Hard work, Fair Compensation, Income augmentation and motivation, Value and Dedication.
- Top five themes of dissatisfaction:
- Compensation inequity and lack of transparency.
- Complexity and lack of understanding.
- Focus on quantity over other academic activities.
- Caps impact on salary.
- Uneven distribution of work and opportunities.
- No better alternative was better received by the faculty respondents. Salary based system was favored more than a group RVU system.
- Suggested Changes:
- Uncapping incentives and improved compensation.
- Improve fairness and equity.
- Incorporate scholarly efforts.
- Simplification and clarity
- Committee Reports
- Will revisit in July meeting.
- Announcements:
- The election for the Faculty Senate Chair-Elect and the voting for approval of bylaws revisions will take place during the July meeting.
Adjournment at 6:00 p.m