UTMB Faculty Senate Minutes
Monday, December 11, 2023
HEC Room 3.222
Open Senate Meeting:
- Call to Order – Shannan Rossi, PhD, MBA, Faculty Senate Chair
- Attendance “Roll Call” & Establishing Quorum
- Agenda Adoption
- Consent Agenda Adoption – Approved
- Review & Approval of Minutes– November minutes were approved.
- Unfinished Business & General Orders
- New Business
- IS Update & Security Changes
- Senators would like for the IS department to find more efficient ways to communicate when software updates will take place. Means of communication could be: Email, Newsletters, or phone notifications.
- Faculty Senate Communications
- The senators would like a means of communication to be put in place outside of the senate meetings. Options presented during the discussion are “Slack” or “WhatsApp”.
- Faculty Senate will have an IHOP Policy to review sometime between January-February to ensure compliance with Texas Senate Bill SB17 & SB18.
- The Chair will entertain a motion to move into executive session (closed session) for committee meetings.
- Dr. Kelly Carmichael motions to move into executive session. Dr. Karren Lewis provided a second.
- Committee Reports
- University: Dr. Jacquelyn Svoboda- The committee would like to develop a tangible goal before the end of the fiscal year. Further conversation about the development of this goal will ensue during the year.
- Research:
- Dr. Robert Abbott-The committee discussed managing research budgets as well as having real time access to the budgets.
- Another point is dealing with start-up money year-to-year. Currently, UTMB operates with startups having an expiration date while other universities do not. This is a major issue in terms of competitiveness and Faculty retention.
- Clinical: Dr. Karren Lewis-The committee discussed RVU’s in the FCIP. The faculty would like more clarification about what items are accounted for in the RVUs.
- Education: Dr. Sarah Samreen- The committee had a discussion regarding engaging “Gen-Z”. The committee would like to begin doing research to develop 2 surveys (1 for Faculty, 1 for students) to be distributed to all schools. Based on the results, there would be targeted training for the faculty on how to further engage the newer generations of students.
- Announcements: None
- Adjournment
Dr. Robert Abbott motions to adjourn, Dr. Kelly Carmichael provided a second.