UTMB Faculty Senate Minutes
Monday, April 8, 2024
Teams Virtual Meeting


Open Senate Meeting:

Call to Order – Shannan Rossi, PhD, MBA, Faculty Senate Chair

  1. Attendance “Roll Call” & Establishing Quorum
    1. GSBS – Dr. Maria Micci
    2. JSSOM – Dr. Kelly Carmichael
    3. SHP – Dr. Crystal Douglas
    4. SPPH – Dr. Brian Downer
    5. SON – Dr. Shinu Joy
  2. Agenda Adoption
    1. Consent Agenda Adoption – Approved
  3. Review & Approval of Minutes– March minutes are approved and uploaded to Faculty Senate website.
  4. Guest Speakers
    1. Dr. Susan Chubinskaya, PhD, MS, FIOR
      VP and Executive Vice Provost, The Office of Faculty Affairs

      Topic: The Future of the UTMB Faculty Affairs

      1. Vision: To become a National Leader in Faculty Affairs across academic medical center, faculty-friendly policies, innovative professional and leadership development programs and activities, and nationally recognized scholarship.
      2. Mission: To create a supportive, nurturing, respectful, equitable, collaborative, and inclusive environment for the UTMB faculty through the academic lifecycle by ensuring professional satisfaction with:
        • Career advancement, fulfillment, and academic success.
        • Recognition and Appreciation
        • Mentoring and Coaching
        • Career, Leadership, and Skills development
        • Work-life harmony.
        • Comprehensive institutional support in faculty professional pursuits.
      3. Faculty & Staff satisfaction survey
        1. This survey will be in development in the coming months.
        2. Potential question examples:
          • Are you satisfied with the environment within your work unit?
          • How is your day allocated for Academic or Clinical Missions?
          • Do you have enough time to fulfill duties in your mission areas?
          • How satisfied are you with the faculty promotion process?
      4. Interest in development of a Faculty Senate Advisory Committee.
      5. Upcoming Provost Lecture Series on May 7th.
        Featured speaker, Dr. Archana Chatterjee
  5. Unfinished Business & General Orders
    • None currently.
  6. New Business
    • None Currently.
  7. Announcements: None
