UTMB Faculty Senate Minutes
Monday, November 11, 2024
Open Senate Meeting:
- Call to Order –Jacquelyn Svoboda, DNP, APRN, WHNP-BC, Faculty Senate Chair.
- The meeting was called to order at 4:31pm.
- Dr. Svoboda discussed the availability for attendance. We will always offer a Teams option during the open meeting for non-senators only. Senate members will attend in person.
- Attendance “Roll Call” & Establishing Quorum
- Agenda Adoption
- Consent Agenda Adoption – Approved
- Review & Approval of Minutes– Minutes were approved by majority vote via email.
- Announcements: Guest Speaker: Jamie Bailey, MBA, CPA, CFE, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Financial Updates
- EVP & Chief Financial Officer, Jamie Bailey presented the Senate with a financial update.
- Highlights from his presentation discussed the following topics:
- Operating Expenses grew by 11.0%
- Excluding Quality of Earnings items, Operating Revenue grew by 9.5% over PY operations
- Almost all hospital stats improved over prior year - Discharges by 6.0%, Surgical Cases by 6.1%, and Outpatient Encounters by 2.9%
- Quality of Earnings items contributed $84.0M and Contract and Retail Pharmacy contributed $6.4M
- 6.7% increase in Surgical Cases
- $20M Net to Expected rate improvement
- We need to have less and less reliability on state appropriations as time goes on
- Possibly reporting as one entity in the future instead of dividing the Health System vs. the Academic Enterprise
- Our benefits are very competitive and sometimes outweigh many other health systems in the Houston area.
- An AI council has been initiated with their #1 priority to be efficiency
- In efforts to spend less on interest and more on capital, we now have prioritized list to tackle these debts dating back to Hurricane Ike.
- PTO discussion
- Unfinished Business & General Orders
- No Feedback or further questions before closed session began.
- New Business
Motion: Chair - entertain a motion to move into executive session (closed session) for senator business and committee meetings. Motion was made with a second to begin closed session at 5:18pm.
- Announcements: None
- Adjournment