UTMB Faculty Senate Minutes
Monday, December 9, 2024

Open Senate Meeting:

  1. Call to Order –Dr. Sarah Samreen, Faculty Senate Chair-Elect, called the meeting to order at 4:30pm.

  2. Attendance “Roll Call” & Establishing Quorum
    • Quorum Met 
  3. Agenda Adoption
    • Consent Agenda Adoption – Approved 
  4. Review & Approval of Minutes– November minutes were approved.

  5. Announcements 
    1. Dr. Samreen announced the chairs and co-chairs for each committee within the Senate.
    2. Announcement of the Senate Committee Chairs:
      • Education Committee – Chair, Bryan Down, and Co-Chair Shinu Joy
      • Research Committee – Chair, Maureen Laroche, and Co-Chair, Rajkumar Rajendran
      • University Committee – Chair, Sarah Samreen, and Co-Chair, Claudia Hilton
      • Clinical Committee – Chair, Kelly Carmichael, and Co-Chair, Robert Cross
    3. Updates from the Office of Faculty Affairs
      • Website – new webpage is up for the OFA
      • Faculty Leadership Offerings
      • The Faculty Leadership Collaborative (FLC) Programming
      • Early Career Faculty
  6. Unfinished Business & General Orders
    1. Question regarding the one device policy – We are waiting for a confirmed answer on this topic.
    2. UTMB Faculty Senate Outreach Communication Link available on Faculty Senate Teams page
  7. New Business
    Motion: Dr. Samreen made a motion to move into executive session (closed session) for senator business and committee meetings with a second. The motion carried.

  8. Announcements: None
  9. Adjournment
    motion to adjourn the closed session was made with a second. The meeting ended at 6:04pm.