Standing committees shall be established that are functionally related to the purpose and responsibilities of the Senate as delineated in Article 2. Except for the Executive Committee, the members of the standing committees shall be appointed by the Chair or Chair-Elect of the Senate, with at least one Senator from each School. The members shall be drawn from the Senate. Each Standing committee shall have a Chair, and a minimum of five voting members. All voting committee members must be Senators. Each committee shall select a chair and co-chair. It is expected that the co-chair will assume the committee chair's duties the following year, to enable committee continuity. The Chair shall attend the Executive Committee meetings. In the Chair's absence, the Co-Chair shall attend the Executive Committee meeting. The Committee Chair's term of office shall be one year. Individual committees may select ad hoc, non-voting members to serve as needed. The deliberation process and criteria used by the committees shall be consistent with the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents of the University of Texas System and the UTMB Handbook of Operating Procedures.
Section 1: Executive Committee of the Senate
The Executive Committee of the Senate shall be comprised of the Chair, the Chair-Elect, the Immediate Past Chair, the Parliamentarian, and the Chairs of the Clinical Mission, Education Mission, Research Mission, and University Affairs Committees or, in the absence of the Chair, the Committee Co-Chair. If a School is not represented among those Committees or officers, additional members shall be recruited from whichever School lacks representation. At the institutional level, the Executive Committee of the UTMB Senate shall serve as the primary committee to foster participation in Faculty governance. The Executive Committee shall be the primary representative of interests that pertain to the entire UTMB Faculty. Those interests shall be communicated directly to the President, Vice Presidents or other key Administrators of UTMB. The Executive Committee shall formulate a position or positions on matters referred by the President; on matters generated within any of the constituent Schools or their Faculties; or on matters generated within the Senate. Recommendations from the Senate shall be forwarded to the President, Vice Presidents, and other key Administrators of UTMB in writing. The Executive Committee shall establish other committees as needed, either permanent or ad hoc.
Section 2: Clinical Mission Committee
The Clinical Mission Committee of the Senate shall discuss issues and make recommendations related to opportunities, expectations, performance evaluations, and compensation of faculty contributing to the clinical mission of UTMB.
Section 3: Education Mission Committee
The Education Mission Committee of the Senate shall discuss issues and make recommendations related to opportunities, expectations, performance evaluations, and compensation of faculty contributing to the education mission of UTMB.
Section 4: Research Mission Committee
The Research Mission Committee of the Senate shall discuss issues and make recommendations related to opportunities, expectations, performance evaluations, and compensation of faculty contributing to the research mission of UTMB.
Section 5: University Affairs Committee
The University Affairs Committee of the Senate shall be composed of the Chair-elect of the Senate and representatives from each School, appointed as described in the introduction to Article 6. The committee shall discuss broad university issues affecting all faculty and make recommendations to the Senate regarding faculty interests. General categories include, but are not limited to 1) governance; 2) faculty status, rights and responsibilities; 3) administrative policies and priorities including strategic planning; and 4) revisions to the institutional handbook of operating procedures (IHOP). The Chair-elect of the Senate will be responsible for obtaining information on pending and completed IHOP updates affecting faculty interests from the Office of Institutional Compliance.