We have been training Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology fellows since 1995 and have been ACGME-accredited since 2007. We accept one fellow for each academic year. Our training emphasis is to produce excellent clinicians with a substantial expertise in perioperative echocardiography.
Application Policy and Procedure
Applications for the next academic year will be accepted until April 30 of the previous year (i.e. applications for July, 2021 - June, 2022 will be open until April 30, 2020). We use the San Francisco Match for our program (see link below in useful websites).
For consideration, applicants must have or be scheduled to graduate in good-standing from an ACGME-accredited anesthesiology residency program before the start of fellowship matriculation.
Required Application materials
We use the central application available through the San Francisco Match.
Please make sure that at least one of your letters of recommendation comes from a cardiothoracic anesthesiologist.
Send any supplementary application materials to:
Christopher McQuitty, MD
Clara Tibbetts Phillips Professor of Anesthesiology and Internal Medicine
Director of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesiology
Program Director: Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology Fellowship
Department of Anesthesiology
The University of Texas Medical Branch
Suite 2A John Sealy
Galveston, TX 77555
or email to: cmcquitt@utmb.edu (strongly encouraged!)
Rotations: Most of the fellow’s time is spent in the Cardiothoracic OR and Cardiac Catheterization Lab at UTMB. Two month-long rotations will be spent in the Cardiothoracic Operating Room at Houston’s Methodist Hospital. Elective rotations in research, echocardiography, electrophysiology, perfusion technology, and pediatric cardiothoracic anesthesiology are available. Sample block schedule
Please email Dr. Chris McQuitty with any questions.