On Sunday, March 16, from 7-9 p.m., Information Technology Services will perform critical database maintenance that will affect the Sitefinity Content Management System and UTMB’s public facing websites. During this time:
- www.utmb.edu and utmbhealth.com will be unavailable. Traffic will be redirected to a temporary landing page.
- The public instance of the Sitefinity CMS will be unavailable; intranet sites will remain online.
- Multiple public-facing applications will be unavailable.
The work is scheduled to take approximately two hours.
If you are a web developer, please suspend any work in the CMS after 5 p.m. on March 16, to allow for a system backup. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. For urgent assistance or questions, please contact ishelp@utmb.edu. Regular service is expected to resume by 9 p.m.