Sitefinity Training Guide

After you have gathered, organized and have a basic structure for the content, follow these Sitefinity training instructions to build and maintain your website.

How to use this website

This website is a guide to using the different components of the Sitefinity Content Management System. Use the left navigation to find instructions on The Basics and The Components.

Quick "How-Tos"

These pages will quickly get users to the how-to instructional lists:

Note: More details will be available in each component page in the left navigation.

User Training Courses

We’ve developed self-paced training courses to teach be basics of the Sitefinity Content Management System (the 3rd course is coming soon).

NOTE: The training environment will be available for 3 months, then it will be deleted. DO NOT build any content which is intended to be “moved” to another site in this training environment, this is not possible, the content would need to be created anew in the live site. The training site is not a "draft" of your live site. 

Additional Support

Schedule a training session.

Before scheduling a training session, complete the training courses and read through all training material online. For additional training, gather specific questions and select a training session below