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UTMB Surgeons Attend Vascular & Endovascular Conference

Nov 14, 2023, 15:58 PM by John Carstens

Several UTMB vascular & endovascular surgeons attended and presented at the annual Texas Society for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery (TSVES) meeting. 

Dr. Mitchell Cox, serving as the programs committee chair, orchestrated an outstanding program. In the career advancement session, Dr. Cox delivered a compelling presentation on the optimal timing for changing jobs, while Dr. Mellick Sykes addressed the theme of slowing down in the same session. The ethics lecture was expertly delivered by Dr. Ruth Bush. Dr. Eric Whittington shared insights on revascularization via the trans-amputation approach, and Dr. Christine Shokrzadeh had the privilege of presenting on laser inferior vena cava (IVC) retrieval in the "How I Do It" session. 

During the Plenary session, Dr. Omar Sahibzada (PGL-2) presented on dialysis access within an incarcerated population. The poster competition featured noteworthy contributions from Drs. Junji Tsukagoshi (PGL-3) and Alexis Davis (PGL-4), with Dr. Davis earning second place for the best poster at the conference - an impressive accomplishment. 

A message from Dr. Shokrzadeh: 

“TSVES is a regional meeting that is widely attended by all the regional vascular surgeons and leaders in the field. UTMB vascular division's attendance allowed for collaborations among us with other vascular surgery leaders as well as promote our department on a regional level. This conference gave us the opportunity to showcase innovations from our division and learn from other surgeons on how to provide best care to our patients.

