Plastic Surgery Faculty

Dr. Linda Phillips

Linda G. Phillips, MDTruman G. Blocker, Jr., MD
Distinguished Chair

Chief & Program Director,
Division of Plastic Surgery

  • Dr. Linda G. Phillips inducted as president of the American Association of Plastic Surgeons

    Texas surgeon Dr. Linda G. Phillips elected Vice-Chair of the ACS Board of Regents

    Texas surgeon Dr. Linda G. Phillips' message as President of the American Association of Plastic Surgeons


    Throughout her career, Dr. Phillips has received a number of accolades. She has been included in the Best Doctors in America database, was listed in the Guide to America's Top Surgeons, was named a Texas "Top Doc" and has been listed in Super Doctors®. She was honored with the "Young at Heart" award from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons for her membership, and the Distinguished Service Award from the Plastic Surgery Foundation.

    Linda G. Phillips, M.D., is the Truman G. Blocker, Jr., M.D. Distinguished Chair; Chief, Division of Plastic Surgery in the Department of Surgery at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas. She went to Medical School at the University of Chicago, Pritzker School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Phillips also did her Residency at University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, at Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan (Plastic Surgery); and Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois (General Surgery). Dr. Phillips specializes in the healing of difficult wounds; body contouring after massive weight loss; reconstructive and aesthetic breast surgery; cosmetic facial and body contouring of all types. Dr. Phillips has Research Projects in Biology of surgical infection; use of pharmaceuticals to decrease postoperative nausea and vomiting; complications/outcomes in body contouring after massive weight loss.

    Dr. Phillips is a member of 25 professional organizations, including the American Surgical Association, the Plastic Surgery Research Council, the American Society of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeons, the Society of University Surgeons, the American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons, the American Association for Hand Surgery, the Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation, the American Council of Academic Plastic Surgeons and the Singleton Surgical Society. She is a fellow of both the American Association of Plastic Surgeons and the American College of Surgeons. She has served as President or Chair of the Association of Women Surgeons, the Plastic Surgery Research Council, the Residency Review Committee for Plastic Surgery, the American Board of Plastic Surgery, the Plastic Surgery Foundation, the American Council of Academic Surgeons, and the Texas Society of Plastic Surgeons.

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  • 301 University Boulevard
    Galveston, TX 77555-0724
    832-505-1800 - clinic (appointments/inquiries/surgery)
    409-772-2222 - clinic (appointments/inquiries/surgery)
    800-917-8906 - clinic (appointments/inquiries/surgery) - toll free
    409-772-1255 - academic office


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  • Medical School: University of Chicago, Pritzker School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois

    Residency Program: University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois and Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan (Plastic Surgery); Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois (General Surgery)

  • Special Interests: Healing of difficult wounds; body contouring after massive weight loss; reconstructive and aesthetic breast surgery; cosmetic facial and body contouring of all types

    Research Projects: Biology of surgical infection; use of pharmaceuticals to decrease post-operative nausea and vomiting; complications/outcomes in body contouring after massive weight loss

    Throughout her career, Dr. Phillips has received a number of accolades. She has been included in the Best Doctors in America database, was listed in the Guide to America's Top Surgeons, was named a Texas "Top Doc" and was recognized by Texas Monthly as a Texas Super Doctor. She was honored with the "Young at Heart" award from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons for her membership, and the Distinguished Service Award from the Plastic Surgery Foundation.

    Dr. Phillips is a member of 25 professional organizations, including the American Surgical Association, the Plastic Surgery Research Council, the American Society of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeons, the Society of University Surgeons, the American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons, the American Association for Hand Surgery, the Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation, the American Council of Academic Plastic Surgeons and the Singleton Surgical Society. She is a fellow of both the American Association of Plastic Surgeons and the American College of Surgeons. She has served as President or Chair of the Association of Women Surgeons, the Plastic Surgery Research Council, the Residency Review Committee for Plastic Surgery, the American Board of Plastic Surgery, the Plastic Surgery Foundation, the American Council of Academic Surgeons, and the Texas Society of Plastic Surgeons.

  • Recent Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals

    • Lopez, M.M., Castillo, A.C., Kaltwasser, K., Phillips, L.G., Moliver, C.L. Surgical timing and the menstrual cycle affect wound healing in young breast reduction patients. Plast Reconstr Surg 137(2):406-410, 2016.
    • Tran, J.P., McLaughlin, J.M., Li, R.T., Phillips, L.G. Prevention of pressure ulcers in the acute acre setting: new innovations and technologies. Supplement to Plast Reconstr Surg 138(3S): 232S-240S, 2016.
    • Johnson D, Silva A, Preminger A, Slezak S, Phillips, L.G. Melting the plastic ceiling: overcoming obstacles to foster leadership in women plastic surgeons. Plast Reconstru Surg 138(3):721-9, 2016.
    • Powers, K.L., Phillips, L.G. Breast reduction in the burned breast. Clin Plast Surg 43:425-428, 2016.
    • Vyas, K.S., Mardini, S., Phillips, L.G., Gosman, A.A., Vasconez, H.C. Financial planning for the Plastic Surgery Residency applicant. Plast Reconstr Surg 137(2):497e-499e, 2016.
    • Tran, J.P., Padilla, P.L., McLaughlin, J., Aliano, K.A., Doan, M., Phillips, L.G. Comparative analysis of intraoperative use of liposomal bupivacaine (Exparel) and On-Q pump for postoperative analgesia in abdominal body contouring surgery in massive weight loss patients. Clinics in Surgery 2016; Aug.(1): Article 1080
    • Vastine VL, Phillips LG, Rowen S, Pike SM, Scheer J, Taylor A, Kennedy E, Damitz L, Kalliainen L: The Importance of Linguistics and Science When Addressing the Social Issues of Residents. Plast Reconstr Surg 137(2):488e-489e, 2016.
    • Croley, J.A., Malone, C.H., Goodwin, B.P., Phillips, L.G., Cole, E.L., Wagner, R.F.: Mohs Surgical Reconstruction Educational Activity: a resident education tool. Adv Med Educ Pract 2017, 8:143-147, 2017.
    • Kalaria, S.S., Elliott, K., Combs, N., Phillips, L.G. Raoultella Planticola: A rare cause of wound infection. Wounds 29(11):E103-E105, 2017.

    Recent Chapters and Other Publications

    • Leong, M., Phillips, L.G. Wound healing. In: Townsend C.M., Jr., Beauchamp, R.D., Evers, B.M., Mattox, K.L. (editors). Sabiston Textbook of Surgery: The Biological Basis of Modern Surgical Practice. 19th Edition. Philadelphia: Elsevier/Saunders, pp. 150-177, 2012.
    • Moody, L., Myers, W., Bauer, J., Phillips, L.G. Pressure Sores. In: Serletti JM, Taub PJ, Wu LC, Slutsky DJ (editors), Current Reconstructive Surgery, chapter 64, New York: McGraw Hill, pp. 763-769, 2012.
    • Powers, K.L., Phillips, L.G. Pressure Sores. In: Thorne CH, editor. Grabb and Smith’s Plastic Surgery. 7th edition. New York: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp 989-97, 2013.
    • Leong M, Murphy KD, Phillips LG. Wound healing. In: Townsend CM, Jr., Beauchamp D, Evers BM, and Mattox KL (editors). Sabiston’s Textbook of Surgery: The Biological Basis of Modern Surgical Practice, 20th edition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier, 2016, pp. 130-162.
    • Powers K, Phillips LG. Breast reconstruction. In: Townsend CM Jr, Beauchamp RD, Evers BM, Mattox KL (editors). Sabiston’s Textbook of Surgery: The Biological Basis of Modern Surgical Practice. 20th edition. Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2016, pp. 865-879.

    Recent Presentations

    • “Maximizing safety in surgery after massive weight loss” The Aesthetic Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 14-19, 2015
    • “Plastic Surgery Practice: Academic Practice”. American Society of Plastic Surgeons: Plastic Surgery Meeting, The Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, Boston, MA, October 16-20, 2015
    • Bauer, J., Phillips, L.G. “MOC-PS Pressure Sore. Evaluation and Management” American Society of Plastic Surgeons: Plastic Surgery Meeting, The Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, Boston, MA, October 16-20, 2015
    • “Dirty Jobs: Pilondial Cysts & Hidradentis Session” American Society of Plastic Surgeons: Plastic Surgery Meeting, The Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, Boston, MA, October 16-20, 2015
    • “Plastic Surgery Practice: Academic” American Society of Plastic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Boston, MA; October 17, 2015
    • “Surgical Treatment of Hidradenitis Supurativa” American Society of Plastic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Boston, MA; October 18, 2015
    • “Academic and Research Careers” American Society of Plastic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Boston, MA; October 19, 2015
    • “Pressure Sores, 2015. Evidence, Protocols and Surgery” American Society of Plastic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Boston, MA; October 19, 2015
    • Texas Surgical Society-history of plastic surgery at UTMB, April 6, 2015
    • Maximizing Safety For Body Contouring After Massive Weight Loss, April 22, 2015, May 4, 2015
    • Body Contouring Post Massive Weight Loss, April 24, 2015
    • Pressure Sores 2015, October 9, 2015
    • Body Contouring and Abdominoplasty, April 1, 2016
    • Reducing postoperative narcotic use and nausea, mentorship and appointment, promotion and tenure, September 19, 2016