Pediatric Surgery

Pediatric Surgery Resident Rotation

Our division supports the UTMB General Surgery Residency Program, providing the residents with the necessary clinical experience in pediatric surgery and mentorship for those residents who are interested in pursuing pediatric surgery as a career.  Residency rotations currently occur at both our UTMB and Driscoll campuses in order to offer a variety of clinical exposure for residents.

The Department of Surgery  also offers multiple opportunities for education including:

  • An ACGME-accredited Surgical Critical Care Fellowship Program (1 year) with a significant focus on Pediatric Surgical Critical Care
  • The Sealy and Smith Laboratory for Surgical Training, Assessment, and Research (LSTAR ) has been accredited as a Comprehensive Accredited Education Institute (AEI) by the American College of Surgeons (ACS)
  • Surgical Simulation and Education Research Fellowship
  • Two NIH T32 training grants – One with a Burn Injury Research Focus and one with a GI Endocrinology Research Focus

Resident Goals and Objectives