Pediatric Surgery

Educational Program: Pediatric Surgery Fellowship

pedi_OR2Our division offers a 2-year, ACGME-accredited Pediatric Surgery Fellowship Program in conjunction with Driscoll Children’s Hospital. Established in 2020, the goal of our fellowship program is to develop excellent clinical Pediatric Surgeons through a robust clinical and didactic educational experience. In addition, the fellows will work closely with the UTMB General Surgery Residents and assist with the division’s research efforts to further develop their teaching and research abilities. Upon completion of the program, the fellow will have the skills necessary to succeed in any practice environment.

Fellows have their junior fellow year at our Driscoll site in Corpus Christi. This site, located 250 miles from Galveston, exposes fellows to multiple subspecialties and a wide variety of surgical cases. This experience gives them access to a large surgical volume in their first year and exposure to private practice pediatric surgery. In addition to general pediatric surgery exposure, fellows here also gain experience in cardiothoracic surgery through a one-month subspecialty rotation as well as a one-month rotation in the neonatal intensive care unit.

Fellows have their senior fellow year at UTMB in Galveston. This site allows them to hone their skills in pediatric surgery and begin forming their own practice preferences through a large variety of surgical cases. A fellows clinic also allows them to begin to adapt to clinic flow and case management in a more independent fashion. In addition to their pediatric surgical exposure, fellows also gain exposure to pediatric intensive care through Shriner’s Hospital for children through a one-month rotation and also a one-month anesthesiology experience.