Student Health Clinic Annual Influenza Program
Based on the experience in the Southern Hemisphere this summer, public health experts are predicting a more severe flu season this year, so please protect yourself, your patients, your classmates and your community by obtaining your flu shot as soon as possible. Flu vaccine can be administered at the same time as any vaccine, including the current COVID vaccines and boosters. We encourage you schedule your appointment at Student health clinic today.
Why do I need a flu shot annually?
The CDC recommends that everyone 6 months of age and older get vaccinated each year, unless prohibited for medical reasons. Vaccination is especially important for people at high risk for flu-related complications, including young children, older adults, pregnant women and those with chronic health conditions. It takes about two weeks for full protection to set in, so it is important to get vaccinated as soon as possible
Scheduling a FLU SHOT appointment
Students should schedule their appointment online at the Student Health appointment website by clicking this link and selecting the IMMUNIZATION option.
Flu badge/outside Flu shot/MYSTAR
Students who have obtained their flu vaccine outside of the UTMB system should upload their flu record to MYSTAR and stop by the clinic for their FY23/24 flu badge.
Thank you for helping keep your patients, yourselves, your classmates, and your community safe by getting vaccinated.
Flu declination requirement/form
Student who declines influenza vaccine will be required to wear a surgical mask while working in patient care spaces during the influenza season (areas where patient contact would be likely, such as inpatient rooms, nursing unit corridors or nursing stations, clinic exam/procedure rooms. The rationale is that unvaccinated healthcare workers are more likely to become infected and would be infectious to others a day before symptoms appear. Click here for flu declination form.