Biostatistics - MPH

The Public Health Program's Biostatistics Track is a 43-credit hour degree program that prepares MPH students for careers in which they will apply their biostatistics knowledge, skills, and abilities to protect and promote population health. UTMB MPH graduates in the Biostatistics track are expected to master the following competencies:

  1. Assess sources of bias, confounding, and random error in published studies.
  2. Discuss sample size and power calculations in the design or interpretation of studies
  3. Clean and transform raw data for inclusion in statistical analysis.
  4. Explain the basic principles and practical importance of probability, random variables, and commonly used statistical probability distributions.
  5. Analyze data, using appropriate statistical tools, accounting for types of variables and their distributions, as well as multiple testing issues.
  6. Communicate results of analyses to a scientific audience.

SPPH Graduate Programs | University of Texas Medical Branch
301 University Boulevard, Galveston, Texas 77555-1150 | (409) 772-1128

Denny Fe Agana, PhD, MPH, CPH
Program Director, Master of Public Health Program
Assistant Professor, Epidemiology

Christina Johnson, MBA
Program Manager, Student Affairs
Student Recruitment and Admissions
(409) 747-7584