Population Health Sciences Program

The Population Health Sciences (PHS) Graduate Program prepares students to conduct, communicate, and apply research aimed at the protection, promotion, and restoration of health in human populations. Curricula within the program share a population health perspective that explores the interplay of individual biological and behavioral factors with aspects of the physical, social, and policy environments. Research focuses on health risks, determinants, outcomes, and interventions in clinical and community settings and in unique occupational or patient groups.

Training emphasizes the development and mastery of high-level quantitative skills in data collection and analysis. PhD students in Population Health Sciences are expected to master the following competencies:

PhD Population Health Sciences Competencies

  1. Evaluate the roles that social, behavioral, environmental, and biological factors play in contributing to population health.
  2. Develop and critically evaluate conceptual models to examine population health research questions.
  3. Apply research concepts or approaches to address specific research questions in rehabilitation sciences
  4. Critically appraise approaches to ethical decision-making in research accordance with the highest ethical standards.
  5. Communicate research in a scholarly manner through presentations, publications, or grant proposals.

SPPH Graduate Programs | University of Texas Medical Branch
301 University Boulevard, Galveston, Texas 77555-1150 | (409) 772-1128

Brian Downer, PhD
Program Director, Population Health Sciences PhD Program
Associate Professor
Email: brdowner@utmb.edu

Christina Johnson, MBA
Program Manager, Student Affairs
Student Recruitment and Admissions
(409) 747-7584