What will I learn?

Program Components


Students will attend daily lectures and laboratory instruction. The content of these classes cover material similar to that of a one-year course in basic statistics taught at the undergraduate level. The courses are organized by modules taught by various faculty.


Faculty and scholars from various departments and campuses will present weekly seminars on various topics, such as their journey to statistics, their research interests, current research projects. Additionally, scholars will have the opportunity to attend weekly career development seminars with topics such as Effective Time Management, Financial Responsibility, Student Networking, Graduate Study Panel Discussion, Developing Effective Poster Presentations, Developing Effective Oral Presentations, and Negotiating Strategies.


Students will participate in mentored projects of ongoing research conducted by researchers at UTMB. Projects will be co-mentored by a biostatistician and a companion biomedical investigator. The projects will provide students the opportunity to apply content learned in courses and gain collaborative research skills.

Typical Daily Schedule

Students will take the campus shuttle from Galveston College to the University of Texas Medical Branch Campus. A typical daily schedule includes:

Time Activity

9 am – NoonLectures and related activities
Noon – 1 pmLunch break
1 – 4:30 pmWork on Group Research Projects
4:30 pmStudents will return to Galveston College

Once a week, lunch will include a seminar with discussion by an invited speaker.