Galveston sandcastle

Texas Association of Advisors for the Health Professions
Annual Conference 2020

January 30 - February 1, 2020


Sponsorship Opportunities

Dear 2020 TAAHP Sponsor:

University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) will be hosting the 2020 Texas Association of Advisors for the Health Professions (TAAHP) annual meeting at Moody Gardens Hotel and Conference center January 30 – February 1, 2020.

TAAHP is a state network of health professions advisors and staff of health professions schools working to promote excellence in pre-health professions advising. The purpose of TAAHP is to advance undergraduate education for all the health professions, further the development of health science curricula, facilitate the exchange and dissemination of information and conduct educational meetings.

Health Science schools across Texas take turns hosting this annual meeting, and in January 2020 the conference will be returning to Galveston, TX. We believe it is important for us to put on a first class program as we assume our responsibility as hosts. Although the School of Medicine will shoulder the primary responsibility in hosting the meeting, your participation will allow UTMB to ensure its success.

This will be an excellent opportunity for your organization to demonstrate its value to the health care educators and professionals of Texas.

I want to secure your support through the act of your generous sponsorship in making the 2020 TAAHP annual meeting an outstanding event.

Attached, please find this year’s sponsorship opportunities. To ensure timely and proper recognition of your sponsorship pledge/ donation, we ask that you kindly complete the sponsorship form and return it by October 31st.

By sponsoring the event, you are making a powerful investment in the future of health care.

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact Richard Carroll at (409) 772-6958 or email him at


UTMB 2020 TAAHP Committee

Sponsorship Levels