Dear UTMB Preceptors,
Thank you so much for your willingness to train the next generation, it is a truly meaningful contribution to society and medicine! As you know, we really need as a country a workforce oriented to primary care and YOU are part of the solution to
inspiring and role modeling students to see the attractions of outpatient medicine as a career.
We have been working to transform our educational experience for students and faculty alike towards a value-added educational model where our students add value to your practice and patients.
We are excited to announce that a change in Medicare regulations will allow you to use medical student notes for billing. The use of student notes for billing has been successfully implemented in UTMB outpatient clinics with improved
student engagement while allowing faculty more time for teaching and other important responsibilities, see attached for more details.
The students are at the stage of training that they are ready to take on a larger role in patient care and a requirement of the clerkship ambulatory rotation is that students are given the opportunity to participate in patient care through hands-on history-taking and examinations.
Please take advantage of all available resources for preceptors including access to the UTMB Moody Medical Library online. This includes access to leading journals as well as the leading point-of-care reference UpToDate free of charge. Brian Sullivan can help you with any of your needs in accessing these resources.
Thank you for allowing UTMB medical students into your clinics and to spend time with your patients. Please reach-out to me at any time if I can help with anything or you have any concerns. We always welcome your feedback and are open to working
with you on any needs.
Thanks for all you do,
N. Miles Farr MD, MPH
Assistant Dean of Clinical Education, SOM
Associate Program Director, IM
Office Location: 2.210 Graves
Office Phone: (409) 747-0269
Click here for new CMS policy on billing on medical student notes.
Click Here for UTMB's policy on billing on medical student notes.