Educational Affairs - Office of Educational Development

Scholars in Education Program Graduates - Full List

Abdulla, Nihal, MD (2011) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine (Oncology)

Afrouzian, Marjan, MD (2017) SOM, Department of Pathology (Surgical)

Alton, Suzanne, MSN, RN (2013) SON

Amador, Luis, MD (2005) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine (Geriatrics)

Amaning, Judith Kwarteng, MD (2017) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology)

Andrade, Liliana, MD (2013) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine

Ansari, Shakeel, PhD (2001) GSBS, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Aronson, Judith, MD (1999) SOM, Department of Pathology

Asimakis, Greg, PhD (2003) GSBS, Microbiology & Immunology

Avashia, Swati, MD (2011)

Banda, Sekelanie, MBBCh (1999) Visiting Scholar

Barbagelata, Alejandro, MD (2011) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine (Cardiology)

Barral, José, MD, PhD (2013) GSBS, Department of Molecular Biology; SOM, Department of Neurology & Cell Biology

Bauer, John, MD (2005) SOM, Department of Surgery

Belalcazar, Maria, MD (2019) SOM, Department of Internal Med (Endocrinology)

Bente, Dennis, DVM, PhD (2017) GSBS, and SOM, Department of Microbiology & Immunology

Bilal, Mohammad, MD (2019) SOM, Fellow Department of Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology)

Blank, Kristie, MD (2011) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology)

Brown, Blair H., MS, RDN, LD,CNSC (2021) SHP, Department of Nutrition & Metabolism

Bly, Keith, MD (2007) SOM, Department of Pediatrics

Borahay, Mostafa, MD (2013) SOM, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology

Breitkopf, Daniel, MD (2003) SOM, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology

Brown, Kimberly, MD (2013) SOM, Department of Surgery

Caban, Mabel, MD (2007) SOM, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation

Cain, Lisa, PhD (2007) SOM, Department of Neuroscience & Cell Biology, and GSBS

Campbell, Lynn, MD (2011) SOM, Department of Pediatrics (Austin)

Carr, Marie, MS (2003) Institute for Translational Science

Carter, Ramona, MD (2003) SOM, Department of Family Medicine

Cavazos, Henry, JD (2001) SHP, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies

Chico, Diane, PhD (2009) SOM, Department of Anatomy

Clark, Carlos, DO (2013) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine

Clark, Mark, PhD (2013) Institute of Medical Humanities and GSBS

Collins, Diane M., PhD, OT (2021) SHP, Department of Occupational Therapy

Contreras, Marci, MPAS (2017) SHP, Department of Physician Assistant Studies

Corak, Jadranko, MD (2009) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine (General) (Austin)

Coulter, Tuere, MD (2015) SOM, Department of Family Medicine

Dacso, Matthew, MD (2015) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine (Global Health)

Dawlett, Marie, MD (2019) SOM, Department of Pedatrics

Dean (Bores) Julianna, PhD (2019) SHP, Department of Rehab Sciences

DeLancey, Dayle, PhD (2009) Ins. Medical Humanities, GSBS

DiNuzzo, Anthony, PhD (2007) Sealy Center on Aging

Dolezal, Sarah, MS (2021) SOM, Instructional Management Office

Doulatram, Gulshan, MD (2005) SOM, Department of Anesthesiology

Dufrene, Claudine, PhD, RN-BC (2013) SON

Eames, Jennifer, DHSc, MPAS, PA-C (2015) SHP, Department of Physician Assistant Studies

Elferink, Lisa, PhD (2015) SOM, Department of Neuroscience & Cell Biology, and GSBS

Enderley, Janet, PhD, MLS (2017) SHP, Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences

Fang, Bingshuang, MD (2017) SOM, Department of Anesthesiology

Farmer, Lisa, MD (2011) SOM, Department of Anesthesiology

Farr, N. Miles, MD, MPH (2017) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine (General)

Ferguson, Kelly, MSN, RN, CDCES (2021) Care Management

Ferguson, Monique, MD (2019) SOM, Department of Int. Medicine (Infect. Dis.)

Fingerhut, Patricia, PhD, OTR (2009) SHP, Department of OT

Fouad, Hala, MD, PhD (2011) SOM, Department of Pathology

Fraser, John, MD (2003) SOM, Department of Preventive Medicine and Community Health

Freeman, Elizabeth, MA (2021) SOM, Office of Educational Development

Galloway, Rebecca, PhD, PT (2015) SHP, Department of Physical Therapy

Gan, Jose, PhD (1999) GSBS, Department of Biochemistry

Gerik, Susie, MD (2005) SOM, Department of Pediatrics

Goode, Holly M. MPAS, PA-C (2021) SOM, Physician Assistant Studies

Gomez, Guillermo, MD (2005) SOM, Department of Surgery

Grumbles, Lee, MD (2005) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine

Guillory, Ashley, PhD (2021) SOM, Physician Assistant Studies

Gugliuzza, Kristene, MD (1997) SOM, Department of Surgery

Higgs, Stephen, PhD (2003) SOM, Department of Pathology

Hodson, Stephen, DPM, MS (2011) SOM, Office of Clinical Simulation

Hommel, Erin, MD (2013) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine

Hossain, Amjad, PhD (2019) SOM, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology

Hussain, Nasir, MD (2005) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine

Jain, Sangeeta, MD (2013) SOM, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Jansen, Caroline, PhD (2003) SHP, Department of PT

Jaquis, Jeri, RN, MSN (2015) SON

Jaramillo, Elizabeth, MD (2015) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine (Geriatrics)

Jia, Xiaolan, MS (2005) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine

Joshi, Lata, MD (2003)

Karnath, Bernard, MD (2001) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine

Kaushik, Vinod, MD (2015) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine (Geriatrics)

Kemahli, Sabri, MD (2001) Visiting Scholar:Turkey

Khilnani, Neera, MD (2005) SOM, Depts. Internal Medicine and Pediatrics

Kimbrough, Thomas, MD (1997) SOM, Department of Surgery

Kitchens, Riqiea PhD (2021) SHP, Department of Occupational Therapy

Knox, S. Lynn, MD (2001) SOM, Department of Anesthesiology

König, Rolf, PhD (2011) GSBS, Department of Microbiology & Immunology

Koutrouvelis, Aristides, MD (2007) SOM, Department of Anesthesiology

Kunchar, Indu, MD (2003) SOM, Department of Family Medicine

Kutac, Julie E., MA, PhD (2021) SOM, Physician Assistant Studies

Krill, Timothy, MD (2021) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology)

Lea, Pat, DNP, MSEd, RN (2015) SON

Levine, Ruth, MD (1997) SOM, Department of Psychiatry

Lieberman, Steve, MD (1997) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine (Endocrinology)

Loera, Jose, MD (2001) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine (Geriatrics)

Loftin, Camille, MPAS (2013) HP, Department of Physician Assistant Studies

Low, Leah, MD (2015) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine

Luk, John, MD (2007) SOM, Department of Pediatrics (General) (Austin)

MacGregor, Jan, MD (1999) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine (Geriatrics)

Malloy, Michael, MD (1997) SOM, Department of Pediatrics (Neonatology)

Marx, Marilyn, MD (2003) SOM, Department of Surgery (General)

McCammon, Susan, MD (2011) SOM, Department of Otolaryngology

McKee, Juliet, MD (2007) SOM, Department of Family Medicine

McKinney, Bernadette, JD, PhD (2011) Institute Medical Humanities

McKinney, Kevin, MD (2001) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine (Endocrinology)

Mercado, Anita, MD (2001) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine

Messenger, Christopher, MS, RD (2019) SHP, Department of Nutrition & Metabolism

Miller, Brian, PhD (2005) SOM, Department of Anatomy

Morsy, Mohamed, MD (2017) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine (Cardiology)

Mouton, Charles, MD (2019) SOM, Dean

Murphy, Christine, MD (2015) SOM, Department of Pediatrics (General)

Nanovskaya, Tatiana N., DDS, PhD (2021) SOM, OB/GYN Mat. Fetal Pharm. & Bio D

Nawgiri, Ranjana, MD, (2019) SOM, Department of Pathology

Nguyen, Quan, MD (2017) SOM, Department of Radiology

Niebuhr, Bruce, PhD (2005) SHP, Department of Physician Assistant Studies

Nkanginieme, Kanu, MD (1997) Visiting Scholar

Nolen, Alexandra, MPH, PhD (2011) Institute Medical Humanities

Olowu, Abiola, MD (1999) Visiting Scholar

Olson, Gayle, MD (2007) SOM, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology (Maternal Fetal Medicine)

Ortega-Barnett, Juan, MD (2015) SOM, Department of Surgery (Neurosurgery)

Paddon-Jones, Douglas, PhD (2009) SHP, Department of Physical Therapy

Patel, Premal, MD (2015) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine (General) and Global Health

Patterson, Rita, PhD (2001) SOM, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation

Park, Paul S., MD (2021) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine (General)

Peng, Bi-Hung, PhD (2019) SOM, GSBS, Department of Neurology, Cell Bio, Anatomy

Pennel, Cara L. DrPH, MPH (2021) SOM, Department of Preventive Medicine and Community Health

Perez, Norma, MD, DrPH (2017) SOM, Office Student Affairs

Poe, Michelle, RN, BSN (2011) SON

Rabek, Jeff, PhD (2005) SOM & GSBS, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Ratcliff, Karen PhD, OTR (2021) SHP, Department of Occupational Therapy

Raji, Mukaila, MD (2005) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine (Geriatrics)

Rampy, Alan, DO, PhD (2011) SOM, Department of Pathology

Rasmusson, Karen, MD (1997) SOM, Department of Neurology

Rastellini, Cristiana, MD (2019) SOM, Department of Cell Biology & Anatomy

Reyes, Victor, PhD (2017) SOM, Department of Pediatrics (Clinical & Experimental Immunology & Infectious Disease) and GSBS

Richmond, Shirley, EdD (1999) SHP, Department of Humanities and Basic Sciences

Robinson, Angelica, MD (2013) SOM, Department of Radiology

Rodriguez, Ana, MD (2013) SOM, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Rodriguez Lozano, Patricia, MD (2019) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine (Cardiology)

Rojas, Jose, PhD (2009) SHP, Department of Respiratory Care

Rubin, Norma, PhD (2005) SOM, Department of Anatomy

Ryan, Matthew, MD (2005) SOM, Department of Surgery (ENT)

Sallam, Hanaa, MD, PhD (2015) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine

San Andres, Maria, MD, FAAP (2021) SOM, Department of Pediatrics (General)

Samie, Simin, PhD (2009) SOM, Office of Student Affairs

Samper-Ternent, Rafael, MD (2009) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine (Geriatrics)

Sandor, Kay, PhD, RN (2011) SON

Sbrana, Elena, MS, PhD (2011) SOM, Departments ofPathology and Microbiology & Immunology

Schatte, Dawnelle, MD (2019) SOM, Department of Psychiatry

Scott, Gwenn, DNP (2019) SON

Self, Darlene, MEd. (2017) SOM, Office of Clinical Simulation

Shanks, Amy, MA (2019) SOM, Office of Clinical Simulation

Shen, Rongsen, PhD (1997) GSBS

Shettigar, Raghu, MD (2007) SOM, Department of Ob Gyn (Austin)

Silva, Gayani, MD, FAAP (2009) SOM, Department of Pediatrics

Simon, Michelle, MD (2021) SOM, Department of Anesthesiology

Slusher, Barbara, SW, PA-C (2019) SOM, Department of Physician Assisant Studies

Smith, Edward, PhD (2001) SOM, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology

Smith-Phillips, Melissa, MD, PhD (2017) SOM, Department of Pediatrics (General)

Soliman, Mohamed, MD (2015) SOM, Department of Ophthalmology

Sonstein, Lindsay, MD (2011) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine (General)

Sotcheff, Stephanea, PhD Candidate (2021) GSBS

Spratt, Heidi, PhD (2015) SOM, Department of Preventive Medicine & Community Health, & GSBS

Stevenson (Morris) Shannon, MSN (2019) SON

Stewart, Rosalyn, MD (2003) SOM, Departments of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics

Swanson, Todd, MD, PhD, (2015) SOM, Department of Radiation Oncology

Syed, Misha, MD (2011) SOM, Department of Ophthalmology

Szauter, Karen, MD (1999) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology)

Thornton, Judy, MA (2007) SOM, Office of Clinical Simulation

Thornton, William, MD (1999) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine (Cardiology)

Trahan, Katherine, MD (2007) SOM, Department of Surgery (General)

Triana, Catalina, MD (2011) SOM, Department of Family Medicine

Troupe, John, MD, JD (2005) SOM, Department of Ophthalmology

Trumble, Julie, MLIS (1999) Moody Medical Library

Tumilty, Emma, PhD (2019) Institute for Translational Science

Tuvdendorj, Demidmaa PhD (2021) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine (Endocrinology)

Valbuena, Gustavo, MD, PhD (2011) SOM, Department of Pathology

Valika, Batul, MD (2009) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine (Endocrinology)

Vanlandingham, Dana, PhD (2011) SOM, Department of Pathology

Vidal, Ana Maria, MD (2007) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine (General)

Vital, Karla, MD (2007) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine (Nephrology)

Wakefield, Toni, MD (2009) SOM, Department of Pediatrics (General) (Austin)

Warneke, Richard, MD (2005) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology)

Weaver, Donna, MD (2003) SOM, Department of Family Medicine

Wen, Tony, MD (2011) SOM, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology

West, Holly, MPAS, PA-C (2011) SHP, Department of Physician Assistant Studies

Westmoreland, Anna, MD (2001) SOM, Department of Internal Medicine (Geriatrics)

Williams, Taylor P., MD (2021) SOM, General Surgery Resident

Williams-Bouyer, Natalie PhD (2019) SOM, Department of Pathology

Wolffarth, Mark, MD (2015) SOM, Department of Pediatrics (General)

Wong, Brian, MD (2005) SOM, Department of Ophthalmology

Abdulla, Nihal, MD (2011)
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine (Oncology)

Abraham, Kimberly DNP, RN, CPN, RN (2023)
SON, Department of Undergraduate Studies

Afrouzian, Marjan, MD (2017)
SOM, Dept. Pathology (Surgical)

Agana, Denny Fe, PHD, MPH (2023)
SPPH, School of Public and Population Health

Alton, Suzanne, MSN, RN (2013)
SON, MSN Core Track Administrator

Amador, Luis, MD (2005)
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine (Geriatrics)

Amaning, Judith Kwarteng, MD (2017)
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology)

Andrade, Liliana, MD  (2013)
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine

Ansari, Shakeel, PhD (2001)
GSBS, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Arellano, Diana, MD (2023)
JSSOM, Department of Surgery Trauma

Aronson, Judith, MD (1999)
SOM, Dept. Pathology

Asimakis, Greg, PhD (2003)
GSBS, Microbiology & Immunology

Avashia, Swati, MD (2011) 

Banda, Sekelanie, MBBCh (1999)  
Visiting Scholar

Barbagelata, Alejandro, MD (2011)
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine (Cardiology)

Barral, José, MD, PhD (2013)
GSBS, Dept. Molecular Biology;  SOM, Dept. of Neur. & Cell Biology

Bauer, John, MD (2005)
SOM, Dept. Surgery

Belalcazar, Maria, MD (2019)
SOM, Dept. Int. Med (Endocrinology)

Bente, Dennis, DVM, PhD (2017)
GSBS, and SOM, Dept. Microbiology & Immunology

Bhardwaj, Namita, MD, MS, MPH (2023)
JSSOM, Department of Family Medicine and  Orthopedic Surgery

Bilal, Mohammad,MD.  (2019)
SOM, Fellow Dept. Internal Medicine

Blank, Kristie, MD (2011)
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology)

Bly, Keith, MD (2007)
SOM, Dept. Pediatrics

Borahay, Mostafa, MD (2013)
SOM, Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology

Breitkopf, Daniel, MD (2003)
SOM, Dept. Obstetrics & Gynecology

Brown, Blair, MS, RD, LD, CNSC (2021) SHP, Director Master of Science & Dietetic Internship Department of Nutrition & Metabolism

Brown, Kimberly, MD (2013)
SOM, Dept. Surgery

Brusola, Gregory, DPT, PhD, PT, MSCS (2023)
SHP, Department of Physical Therapy

Caban, Mabel, MD (2007)
SOM, Dept. Orthopedic Surgery and Rehabilitation

Cain, Lisa, PhD (2007)
SOM, Department of Neuroscience & Cell Biology, and GSBS

Campbell, Lynn, MD (2011)
SOM, Dept. Pediatrics (Austin)

Carr, Marie, MS (2003)
Institute for Translational Science

Carter, Ramona, MD (2003)
 SOM, Dept. Family Medicine

Cavazos, Henry, JD (2001)
 SHP, Dept. Interdisciplinary Studies

Clement, Cecilia, MD (2023)
JSSOM, Department of Pathology

Chico, Diane, PhD (2009),
SOM, Dept. Anatomy

Clark, Carlos, DO (2013)
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine

Clark, Mark PhD (2013)
Institute of Medical Humanities and GSBS

Collins, Diane, PhD, OT (2021)
SHP, Department of Occupational Therapy

Contreras, Marci, MPAS (2017)
SHP, Dept. Physician Assistant Studies

Corak, Jadranko, MD (2009) 
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine (General) (Austin)

Coulter, Tuere, MD (2015)
SOM, Dept. Family Medicine

Dacso, Matthew, MD (2015)
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine (Global Health)

Dann-Grice, Sara, PhD (2023)
JSSOM, Department of Internal Medicine (Infectious Disease)

Dawlett, Marie, MD (2019)
SOM, Dept. Pediatrics

Dean (Bores), Julianna. PhD (2019)
SHP, Dept. Rehab Sciences

DeLancey, Dayle, PhD (2009)

Ins. Medical Humanities, GSBS

DiNuzzo, Anthony, PhD (2007)
Sealy Center on Aging

Dolezal, Sarah, MS (2021)
SOM, Instruction Management Office

Douglas, Crystal C., PhD, RDN, LD (2023) SHP, Department of Nutrition & Metabolism

Doulatram, Gulshan, MD (2005)
SOM, Dept. Anesthesiology

Dufrene, Claudine, PhD, RN-BC (2013)

Eames, Jennifer, DHSc, MPAS, PA-C (2015)
SHP, Dept. Physician Assistant Studies

Elferink, Lisa, PhD (2015)
SOM, Department of Neuroscience & Cell Biology, and GSBS

Enderle, Janet, PhD, MLS (2017)
SHP, Dept. Clinical Laboratory Sciences

Fang, Bingshuang, MD (2017)
SOM, Dept. Anesthesiology

Farmer, Lisa, MD (2011)
SOM, Dept. Anesthesiology

Farr, N. Miles, MD, MPH (2017)
SOM, Dept. Int. Med. (General)

Ferguson, Kelly, MSN, RN, CDCES (2021) SOM, Department of Care Management

Ferguson, Monique, MD (2019)
SOM, Dept. Int. Medicine (Infect. Dis.)

Fingerhut, Patricia, Ph.D., OTR (2009)
SHP, Department of Occupational Therapy

Fouad, Hala, MD, PhD (2011)
SOM, Dept. Pathology

Fraser, John, MD (2003)
SOM, Dept. Preventive Medicine and Community Health

Freeman, Elizabeth, MA (2021)
SOM, Office of Educational Development

Galloway, Rebecca, PhD, PT (2015)
SHP, Dept. Physical Therapy

Gan, Jose, PhD (1999)  
GSBS, Dept. Biochemistry

Gerik, Susie, MD (2005)
SOM, Dept. Pediatrics

Gomez, Guillermo, MD (2005)
SOM, Dept. Surgery

Gonzalez, Amy, MD (2023)
JSSOM, Department of Pediatrics (Hospital Medicine)

Goode, Holly, MPAS, PA-C (2021)
SOM, Physician Assistant Studies

Grumbles, Lee, MD (2005)
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine

Gugliuzza, Kristene, MD (1997)
SOM, Dept. Surgery

Guillory, Ashley, PhD (2021)
SOM, Physician Assistant Studies

Hawkinson, Dora, MSHP, PA-C (2023)
JSSOM, Assistant Professor Department of Physician Assistant Studies

Higgs, Stephen, PhD (2003)
SOM, Dept. Pathology

Hodson, Stephen, DPM, MS (2011)
SOM, Office of Clinical Simulation

Hommel, Erin, MD (2013)
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine

Hossain, Amjad, PhD (2019)
SOM, Dept. Obstetrics & Gynecology

Hussain, Nasir, MD (2005)  
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine

Ibrahim, Mohamed, MD, PhD, MBA (2023)
JSSOM, Department of Anesthesiology

Iturrizaga, Jose. MD, MSHA, FACC, FHFSA (2023)
JSSOM, Department of Internal Medicine (Cardiology)

Jain, Sangeeta, MD (2013)
SOM, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Jansen, Caroline, PhD (2003)
SHP, Dept. PT

Jaquis, Jeri, RN, MSN (2015) 

Jaramillo, Elizabeth, MD (2015) 
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine (Geriatrics)

Jia, Xiaolan, MS (2005)
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine

Joshi, Lata, MD  (2003) 

Juneau, Cheryl, DrPH, RN, FNP-BC (2023) SON, Department of Graduate Studies

Kamprath, Sagar MD (2023)
JSSOM, Department of Family Medicine

Karnath, Bernard, MD (2001)
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine

Kaushik, Vinod, MD (2015)
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine (Geriatrics)

Kemahli, Sabri, MD (2001)
Visiting Scholar-Turkey

Khilnani, Neera, MD (2005)
SOM, Depts. Internal Medicine, and Pediatrics

Kimbrough, Thomas, MD (1997)
SOM, Dept. Surgery

Kitchens, Riqiea, PhD, OTR, BCPR, CSRS (2021)
SHP, Department of Occupational Therapy

Knox, S. Lynn, MD (2001)
SOM, Dept. Anesthesiology

König, Rolf, PhD (2011)
GSBS, Dept. Microbiology & Immunology

Koutrouvelis, Aristides, MD (2007)
SOM, Dept. Anesthesiology

Timothy Krill, MD (2021)
SOM, Department of Internal Medicine

Kunchar, Indu, MD (2003)
SOM, Dept. Family Medicine

Kutac, Julie, MA, PhD (2021)
SOM, Physician Assistant Studies

Lea, Pat, DNP, MSEd, RN (2015)
SON, Dept. of Baccalaureate Program

Lee, Anne, DO (2023)
JSSOM, Department of Radiology Services

Levine, Ruth, MD (1997)
SOM, Dept. Psychiatry

Li, Dongming, MD (2023)
JSSOM, Department of Internal Medicine

Lieberman, Steve, MD (1997)
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine (Endocrinology)

Loera, Jose, MD (2001) 
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine (Geriatrics)

Loftin, Camille, MPAS (2013)
HP, Dept. Physician Assistant Studies

Low, Leah, MD (2015).
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine

Luk, John, MD (2007)
SOM, Dept. Pediatrics (General) (Austin)

MacGregor, Jan, MD (1999)
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine (Geriatrics)

Malloy, Michael, MD (1997)
SOM, Dept. Pediatrics (Neonatology)

Mao, Rui-Min, MD (2023)
JSSOM, Department of Surgery

Marx, Marilyn, MD (2003)
SOM, Dept. Surgery (General)

McCammon, Susan, MD (2011)
SOM, Dept. Otolaryngology

McKee, Juliet, MD (2007)
SOM, Dept. Family Medicine

McKinney, Bernadette, JD, PhD  (2011)
Institute Medical Humanities

McKinney, Kevin, MD  (2001)
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine (Endocrinology)

McKinnon, Brian, MD, MBA, MPH, FACS (2023)
JSSOM, Department of Otolaryngology

Mercado, Anita, MD  (2001)
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine

Messenger, Christopher. MS, RD (2019)
SHP, Dept. Nutrition & Metabolism

Milani, Sadaf, PhD, MPH (2023)
SPPH, Department of Internal Medicine (Geriatrics)

Miller, Brian, PhD (2005)
SOM, Dept. Anatomy

More, Dwayne, DNP, RN, CNE (2023)
SON, Department of Undergraduate Studies

Morsy, Mohamed, MD (2017)
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine (Cardiology)

Mouton, Charles, MD (2019)
SOM, Dean

Murphy, Christine, MD.  (2015).
SOM, Dept. Pediatrics (General)

Murthy, Vijaya, MD, RhMSUS  (2023)
JSSOM, Department of Internal Medicine

Nanovskaya, Tatiana, DDS, PhD (2021)
SOM and GSBS, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Nastars, Daneen, DHSc, RRT, RRT-CCS (2023)
SHP, Department of Respiratory Care

Nawgiri, Ranjana, MD, (2019)
SOM, Dept. Pathology

Nguyen, Quan, MD (2017)
SOM, Dept. Radiology

Niebuhr, Bruce, PhD (2005)
SHP, Dept. Physician Assistant Studies

Nkanginieme, Kanu, MD  (1997) 
Visiting Scholar

Nolen, Alexandra, MPH, PhD (2011)
Institute Medical Humanities

Olowu, Abiola, MD (1999) 
Visiting Scholar

Olson, Gayle, MD (2007)
SOM, Dept. Obstetrics & Gynecology (Maternal Fetal Medicine)

Ortega-Barnett, Juan, MD (2015)
SOM, Dept. Surgery (Neurosurgery)

Ortiz, Darcy, MHA, MSPAS, PA-C (2023)
JSSOM, Department of Physician Assistant Studies

Paddon-Jones, Douglas, PhD (2009)
SHP, Dept. PT

Paul Park, MD (3032)
SOM, Department of Internal Medicine

Patel, Premal, MD (2015)
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine (General) and Global Health

Patterson, Rita, PhD (2001)
SOM, Dept. Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation

Peng, Bi-Hung, PhD (2019)
SOM. GSBS. Dept. Neuro, Cell Bio, Anatomy

Pennel, Cara, DrPh, MPH (2021)
SOM, Department of Preventative Medicine and Population Health

Perez, Norma, MD, DrPH (2017)
SOM, Office Student Affairs

Poe, Michelle, RN, BSN (2011)

Priest, Sandra, RN, MSN, NNP (2023)
SON, Department of Graduate Studies, NNP Program

Rabek, Jeff, PhD (2005) 
SOM & GSBS, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Raji, Mukaila, MD (2005)
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine (Geriatrics)

Rajendran, Rajkumar, DCLS, MLS (ASCP)cm (2023)
SHP, Department of Clinical Lab Science

Rampy, Alan, DO, PhD  (2011)
SOM, Dept. Pathology

Rasmusson, Karen, MD  (1997)
SOM, Dept. Neurology

Rastellini, Cristiana, MD (2019)
SOM, Dept. Cell Biology & Anatomy

Ratcliff, Karen, PhD, OTR (2021) SHP, Ambulatory Nursing

Reyes, Victor, PhD (2017)
SOM, Dept. Pediatrics (Clinical & Experimental Immunology & Infectious Disease), and GSBS

Richard, Crystalyn, PT, DPT, GCS, CEEAA (2023)
SHP, Department of Physical Therapy

Richmond, Shirley, EdD (1999)
SHP, Dept. of Humanities and Basic Sciences

Robinson, Angelica, MD (2013)
SOM, Dept. of Radiology

Rodriguez, Ana, MD (2013)
SOM, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Rodriguez Lozano, Patricia, MD (2019)
SOM, Dept. Int. Medicine (Cardiology)

Rojas, Jose, PhD (2009)
SHP, Dept. Respiratory Care

Rubin, Norma, PhD (2005)
SOM, Dept. Anatomy

Rumsey, Kimberly, DNP, MSN, RN, CNE (2023)
SON, Department of Undergraduate Studies

Ryan, Matthew, MD (2005)
SOM, Dept. Surgery (ENT)

Rytting, Erik, MD (2023)
JSSOM, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Sallam, Hanaa, MD, PhD (2015)
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine 

Samie, Simin, PhD (2009)
SOM, Office of Student Affairs

Samper-Ternent, Rafael, MD (2009)
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine (Geriatrics)

Samreen, Sarah, MD (2023)
JSSOM, Department of Surgery

San Andres, Maria, MD, FAAP(2021)
SOM, Department of Pediatrics

Sandor, Kay, PhD, RN (2011)

Sbrana, Elena, MS, PhD (2011)
SOM, Depts. Pathology and Microbiology & Immunology

Schatte, Dawnelle, MD (2019)
SOM, Dept. Psychiatry

Scott, Gwenn, DNP (2019)

Self, Darlene, MEd. (2017)
SOM, Office of Clinical Simulation

Serag, Hani,

 MD, MPH (2023)
JSSOM, Department of Internal Medicine (Endocrinology)

Shanks, Amy, MA (2019)
SOM, Office of Clinical Simulation

Shen, Rongsen, PhD (1997)

Shettigar,Raghu, MD  (2007)
SOM, Dept. Ob Gyn (Austin)

Siddiqui, Sarah, MD, MPH, CMQ (2023)
JSSOM, Department of Internal Medicine

Silva, Gayani, MD, FAAP (2009)
SOM, Dept. Pediatrics

Simon, Michelle, MD (2021)
SOM, Department of Anesthesiology

Slusher, Barbara, MSW, PA-C (2019)
SOM, Dept. Physician Asst. Studies

Smith, Edward, PhD (2001)
SOM, Dept. Ob-Gyn

Smith-Phillips, Melissa, MD, PhD (2017)
SOM, Dept. Pediatrics (General)

Soliman, Mohamed, MD (2015)
SOM, Dept. Ophthalmology

Sonstein, Lindsay, MD (2011)
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine (General)

Spratt, Heidi, PhD (2015)
SOM, Dept. Preventive Medicine & Community Health, & GSBS

Sotcheff, Stephanea PhD Candidate (2021)
GSBS, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Stevenson (Morris), Shannon, MSN (2019)

Stewart, Rosalyn, MD (2003)
SOM, Depts. Internal Medicine, and Pediatrics

Sultana, Rizwana, MD (2023)
JSSOM, Department of Internal Medicine (Pulmonary Critical Care)

Swanson, Todd, MD, PhD, (2015)
SOM, Dept. Radiation Oncology

Syed, Misha, MD (2011)
SOM, Dept. Ophthalmology

Szauter, Karen, MD (1999)
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology)

Thornton, Judy, MA (2007) 
 SOM, Office of Clinical Simulation

Thornton, William, MD (1999)
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine (Cardiology)

Trahan, Katherine, MD  (2007)
SOM, Dept. Surgery (General)

Triana, Catalina, MD (2011)
SOM, Dept. Family Medicine

Troupe, John, MD, JD (2005)
SOM: Dept. Ophthalmology

Trumble, Julie, MLIS (1999)
Moody Medical Library

Tumilty, Emma, PhD (2019)
Institute for Translational Science

Tuvdendorj, Demidmaa, PhD (2021)
GSBS, Department of Internal Medicine

Valbuena, Gustavo, MD, PhD (2011)
SOM, Dept. Pathology

Valika, Batul, MD (2009)
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine (Endocrinology)

Vanlandingham, Dana, PhD (2011)
SOM, Dept. Pathology

Vidal, Ana Maria, MD (2007),
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine (General)

Vital, Karla, MD (2007)
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine (Nephrology)

Wakefield, Toni, MD (2009)
SOM, Dept. Pediatrics (General) (Austin)

Warneke, Richard, MD (2005)
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology)

Weaver, Donna, MD (2003)
SOM, Dept. Family Medicine

Wen, Tony, MD (2011)
SOM, Dept. Obstetrics & Gynecology

West, Holly, MPAS, PA-C (2011)
SHP, Dept. Physician Assistant Studies

Westmoreland, Anna, MD (2001)
SOM, Dept. Internal Medicine (Geriatrics)

Williams-Bouyer, Natalie, PhD (2019)
SOM, Dept. Pathology

Williams, Taylor, MD (2021)
SOM, Department of General Surgery

Wolffarth, Mark, MD (2015) 
SOM, Dept. Pediatrics (General)

Wong, Brian, MD (2005)
SOM, Dept. Ophthalmology

Zaidan, Mohammed, MD (2023)
JSSOM, Department of Internal Medicine (Pulmonary Critical Care)