• Student Health

    Lee Hage Jamail Student Center
    3rd Floor, Galveston, TX 77550
      Map to Clinic

    Appointments: Schedule online here
    Phone: (409) 747-9508  |  Fax: (409) 747-9330
    Email:  shcemail@utmb.edu
    7:30 am on Tues/Thurs  |  M/W/F, 8 AM-5 PM (Appointments Preferred)
    Acute Illness walk-ins can be seen from 9-11AM and 1-3PM

  • Student Health

    Lee Hage Jamail Student Center
    3rd Floor, Galveston, TX 77550
      Map to Clinic

    Appointments: Schedule online here
    Phone: (409) 747-9508  |  Fax: (409) 747-9330
    Email:  shcemail@utmb.edu
    7:30 am on Tues/Thurs  |  M/W/F, 8 AM-5 PM (Appointments Preferred)
    Acute Illness walk-ins can be seen from 9-11AM and 1-3PM

  • Student Health

    Lee Hage Jamail Student Center
    3rd Floor, Galveston, TX 77550
      Map to Clinic

    Appointments: Schedule online here
    Phone: (409) 747-9508  |  Fax: (409) 747-9330
    Email:  shcemail@utmb.edu
    7:30 am on Tues/Thurs  |  M/W/F, 8 AM-5 PM (Appointments Preferred)
    Acute Illness walk-ins can be seen from 9-11AM and 1-3PM

  • Student Health

    Lee Hage Jamail Student Center
    3rd Floor, Galveston, TX 77550
      Map to Clinic

    Appointments: Schedule online here
    Phone: (409) 747-9508  |  Fax: (409) 747-9330
    Email:  shcemail@utmb.edu
    7:30 am on Tues/Thurs  |  M/W/F, 8 AM-5 PM (Appointments Preferred)
    Acute Illness walk-ins can be seen from 9-11AM and 1-3PM

  • Student Health

    Lee Hage Jamail Student Center
    3rd Floor, Galveston, TX 77550
      Map to Clinic

    Appointments: Schedule online here
    Phone: (409) 747-9508  |  Fax: (409) 747-9330
    Email:  shcemail@utmb.edu
    7:30 am on Tues/Thurs  |  M/W/F, 8 AM-5 PM (Appointments Preferred)
    Acute Illness walk-ins can be seen from 9-11AM and 1-3PM

We would like to welcome all our students to Student Health & Counseling (SHC). Our clinic offers great services, support, and so many beneficial resources for our students.

At SHC, we provide holistic health care services that include acute medical care, psychiatry, and psychological counseling. We provide equitable and accessible services to all students. Our staff includes Collaborative Physician, Nurse Practitioners, Psychiatrist, Psychologists, RN, MA, and administrative staff. We provide services via in-person or virtual appointments in order to accommodate the needs of the students, which include the needs of health, safety, and accessibility. In particular, zoom therapy sessions for mental health counseling have been much appreciated by the students who have limited time to visit or stay on campus. SHC will continue to be flexible and innovative in meeting the evolving needs of our students.

UTMB Student Mental Health Crisis Line

Professionals Available 24/7/365

Depressed, Anxious, Suicidal?
Let Us Help!

(409) 747-HELP (4357)

Student Occupational Exposure After Hours

Seek evaluation within 4 hours after exposure. Please report to the Student Health Clinic during business hours 8 AM to 5 PM Mon-Fri. Only report to any UTMB Emergency Room for evaluation after hours, weekend or holidays. See locations below:

If you are in a remote location, call student health to report or email us. Also refer to your clinical site-specific policy. Information should be posted in designated clinical site location or check with your faculty or course coordinator.

Medical Emergencies After Hours

Emergency: Please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.

Non-emergent medical problem: Please call access center @ (409) 772-2222 or go to any UTMB urgent care and follow up with Student health as needed.

Click for a list of all UTMB Urgent Care

Student Health Services Available

Lee Hage Jamail Student Center
3rd Floor, Galveston, TX 77550
  Map to Clinic
Appointments: Schedule online here

Phone: (409) 747-9508  |  Fax: (409) 747-9330
Email:  shcemail@utmb.edu
M-F, 8 AM-5 PM (Appointments Preferred)
Acute Illness walk-ins can be seen from 9-11AM and 1-3PM