Timeline for New Requests or New Scenarios:
(*See section 6.a. on page 18 and 19 of the HEC Policy and Procedure Manual for a complete list of action items required for each phase within the timeline established above for the development of new events/scenarios.)
Submit a Scheduling Request Here for: August 1, 2024-July 31, 2025
After making a scheduling request for development of a new scenario/case, you will be asked to meet with HEC staff to discuss the development process and you will be provided with guidance for completing the script/scenario template. If you have any questions
about the process or wish to discuss new scenario/case development, please contact one of the Asst. Directors of Simulation: Darlene Self, pdself@utmb.edu (Human Simulation) or Kristen Kahrig, kmkahrig@utmb.edu (Non-human Simulation).
Any requests within a 3-day window of the event must be submitted by contacting the HEC Assistant Director of Simulation, Kristen Kahrig, 409-266-0005 or kmkahrig@utmb.edu. Requests received with less than 24 hours’ notice of the activity will not be accepted.
If you are looking to book a classroom
or non-simulation activity in the HEC please make a request through Classroom Services.