SHP Polices

Academic & Student Affairs

Policies & Procedures

Welcome to our Policies and Procedures page! If you have questions about information provided on this page, contact the Office of Academic and Student Affairs at 409-772-9411 or

Please visit the UTMB Site Policies and Required Links page for additional information.


Essential Functions for Students with Disabilities

The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (UTMB) complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), ADA Amendments Act of 2008, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and federal state, and local requirements regarding students with disabilities. Under these laws, no otherwise qualified and competitive individual with a disability shall be denied access to or participation in services, programs, and activities of UTMB solely on the basis of disability.

UTMB is committed to providing equal opportunity for students with disabilities. If you have documented disability or would like to obtain information regarding services for students with disabilities at UTMB, please contact the Institutional ADA Officer.

For more information, please visit /studentservices/services/students-with-disabilities

Reference: IHOP - 07.01.01 - Students with Disabilities

Security Clearance

On January 1, 2004, a new Joint Commission of Accreditation of Health Care Organizations (JCAHO) standard became effective requiring criminal background checks for security purposes on all employees, staff, and volunteers who supervise care, render treatment, and provide services. The site governing this policy can be found at: UTMB IHOP Background Check Policy (PDF)  | UTMB Policies and Procedures website .

Individual institutions have been given the responsibility for mandating this clearance for students. The UTMB School of Health Professions policy states that students who are assigned to clinical facilities that require criminal background checks for security purposes must comply with and receive clearance from affiliated institutions in order to participate in clinically related activities. Therefore, in keeping with this policy, all students will be required to undergo a background check for security clearance in order to matriculate into UTMB.

UTMB Health

UT System Policies / Other

Texas Links and Information

Site managed by the School of Health Professions • Last Updated: 31-OCT-2024