Course Descriptions CLLS 5173 Special Dissection Techniques 1 CreditThe student will be given the opportunity to cover many special techniques used to best demonstrate and/or assist in diagnosis of disease in both surgical and autopsy pathology. The student will: 1) identify when to use special dissection techniques; 2) perform the processing of fine needle aspirations and other cytologic procedures, smear preparations, muscle and nerve biopsy techniques, and brain dissection; 3) demonstrate an understanding of bone marrow biopsies; 4) demonstrate an understanding of renal biopsy procurement and adequacy; and 5) be introduced to transplant pathology and organ donation. Prerequisites: CLLS 5270 Surgical Pathology Techniques and CLLS 5271 Autopsy Techniques.CLLS 5174 Applied Clinical and Anatomic Pathology 11 CreditApplied Clinical and Anatomic Pathology 1 will give the students an opportunity to further develop their knowledge and skills in pathology and in specimen/case workup through a series of case studies. The student will be given the opportunity to: 1) determine the best methods of prosecting the specimen/case to assist in pathologic diagnosis; 2) discuss the choice of dissection/test and impact on diagnosis; and 3) demonstrate accurate use of tissue descriptions, and demonstrate their knowledge in determining pertinent clinical history. Prerequisite: None.CLLS 5175 Applied Clinical and Anatomic Pathology 21 CreditA continuation of Applied Clinical and Anatomic Pathology I, Applied Clinical and Anatomic Pathology 2 will give the students further opportunities to develop their knowledge and skills in pathology and in specimen/case workup through case studies. The student will be given the opportunity to: 1) determine the best methods of prosecting the specimen/case to assist in pathologic diagnosis; 2) discuss the dissection/test issues and impact on diagnosis; and 3) demonstrate accurate use of tissue descriptions, and demonstrate their knowledge in determining pertinent clinical history. Prerequisite: CLLS 5174.CLLS 5270 Surgical Pathology2 CreditsThe student will be given the opportunity to expand on concepts introduced in CLLS 5502 and CLLS 5422 with addition of other crucial topics that pertain to the surgical pathology lab. The student will: 1) continue to perfect specimen dictations and transcription; 2) complete Electronic Medical Record training and voice recognition software training in preparation for clinical rotations; 3) complete human research training and human research certification; 4) review Operating Room procedures in relation to surgical specimens received; 5) review accreditation inspections specific to the pathology laboratory; 6) discuss educational methodologies in academic teaching; and 7) discuss future trends in the pathology laboratory. Prerequisites: CLLS 5502 and CLLS 5422 (Practice of Pathology 1 and 2), and CLLS 5423 (Systemic Pathology).CLLS 5271 Autopsy Pathology2 CreditsThe autopsy pathology course will introduce the student to the different methods of evisceration and prosection of adult, pediatric, and forensic autopsies. The student will be given the opportunity to: 1) familiarize themselves with the different methods of evisceration; 2) describe the methods of prosection for each type of autopsy; 3) describe the gross tissue; 4) identify and discuss the similarities and differences between adult and pediatric autopsies; and 5) identify and discuss special dissection techniques (Credit Hours: 2; Prerequisite: CLLS 5502, CLLS 5422, and CLLS 5423.; Lab Fee: $30.00; Lecture Hours: 4; Clinical Hours: 90; Conference, Discussion or Seminar Hours: 4). Prerequisites: CLLS 5502, CLLS 5422, and CLLS 5423.CLLS 5280 Education and Communication in Pathology2 CreditsThe course will focus on the essential skills needed to be an effective leader in the field of pathology. Students will have the opportunity during the completion of this course to: 1) utilize techniques of inter- professional communication and teamwork, including how to collaborate effectively with physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals to provide high-quality patient care; 2) apply theories of teaching and learning, and how different learning styles can impact the educational process; 3) design effective clinical instruction that maximizes engagement and retention; and 4) develop clinical instruction, covering the best practices for managing teams, leading meetings, and curriculum planning. Prerequisite: Successful completion of prior courses.CLLS 5320 Laboratory Management 3 CreditsThe student will be given the opportunity to: 1) categorize the principles, practices, and applications of laboratory utilization, critical pathways, and clinical decision making using graduate-level case studies; 2) analyze the application of laws, regulations, and standards in laboratory practice; 3) apply the principles and applications of budgeting and marketing laboratory services; 4) describe reimbursement and payment principles, including CPT (Current Procedural Terminology) and ICD9 (International Classification of Diseases, 9th edition) coding; 5) formulate the evaluation and implementation of laboratory information systems; and 6) analyze the role of a clinical laboratory scientist as a technologist and/or supervisor in gaining initial accreditation and maintaining accreditation of a clinical laboratory. Students will work with clinical laboratory supervisors (30 lecture hours and 60 clinical lab hours per enrollment period). Prerequisite: None.CLLS 5370 Clinical Rotation 13 CreditsClinical Rotation 1 will integrate the student's knowledge and skills in the surgical pathology, autopsy pathology, and forensic pathology settings. The student will be given the opportunity to: 1) demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge and skills to the anatomic laboratory setting; 2) integrate previous knowledge and skills into the anatomic laboratory setting; and 3) demonstrate an attitude of cooperation and concern in interpersonal relationships with laboratory personnel and health care workers (15 lecture hours and 120 clinical hours).Prerequisites: CLLS 5270 and CLLS 5271.CLLS 5420 Molecules, Cells and Tissues 4 CreditsMolecules, Cells, and Tissues is an 8 week course designed to introduce the student to microscopic anatomy, cell and molecular biology, genetics, physiology, and biochemistry in an integrated course that emphasizes the relationships between molecular structure and complex human systems. The student will be given the opportunity to: 1) recognize the structure and function of basic cell and tissue types; 2) familiarize themselves with early embryonic development; 3) familiarize themselves with cellular energy metabolism and the formation and function of proteins; and 4) familiarize themselves with the structure, replication, and function of cellular DNA and the basic concepts of genetics. This course combines lectures and interactive sessions and required independent study (44 lecture hours and 16 conference, discussion or seminar hours). Prerequisite: CLLS 5501 CLLS 5421 Pathobiology and Host Defense 4 CreditsPathobiology and Host Defense is an 8 week course that will introduce the student to the pathologic changes that are manifest in human disease, with an emphasis on pathogenesis, gross and microscopic pathology, and the microbiological and immunologic features of health and disease. The student will be given the opportunity to: 1) understand the pathogenesis of disease; 2) differentiate normal from abnormal organs, grossly and microscopically; 3) evaluate gross and histological sections of tissues appropriately; and 4) appraise and recognize the gross and microscopic characteristics of pathologic processes related to specific organ systems. This course combines lectures and laboratory sessions (44 lecture hours, 18 lab hours and 7 conference, discussion or seminar hours). Prerequisites: CLLS 5501 and CLLS 5420. CLLS 5422 Practice of Pathology 24 CreditsThe student will be given the opportunity to expand on of the concepts introduced in CLLS 5502. The students will be introduced to basic concepts of organ histology, cancer protocols, related pathologic coding, histotechnology, ancillary studies and biomedical photography. The student will: 1) become familiar with methods of tissue preparation including biorepository, histologic staining, special stains and molecular testing; 2) discuss types of microscopes and demonstrate correct setup, use and cleaning of a microscope; 3) perform gross and microscopic photography of specimens; 4) experience pathology and multidisciplinary conferences; and 5) be introduced to forensics. Prerequisites: CLLS 5420 (MCT) and CLLS 5502 (Practice of Pathology 1).CLLS 5423 Systemic Pathology 4 CreditsThe Systemic Pathology course addresses normal structure and function, and integrates these with pathology, and pathophysiology of the major organ systems in both adults and children. The student will be given the opportunity to: 1) integrate their knowledge of normal structure and function with pathologic structure and function of the major organ systems; 2) discuss the mechanisms of the disease processes; and 3) understanding the pathology in different organ systems (30 lecture hours,20 lab hours and 20 conference, discussion or seminar hours). Prerequisites: CLLS 5501 and CLLS 5421. CLLS 5501 Human Anatomy 5 CreditsStudents will be given the opportunity to acquire advanced knowledge of the anatomical structures of the human body, including but not limited to the head and neck, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, and extremities, and developing knowledge essential to be able to: 1) understand how anatomy relates to function; 2) identify anatomic structures in a surgical setting; 3) distinguish normal from abnormal structures; 4) demonstrate respect for the human body; 5) appreciate the complexity of the human body; and 6) interpret research related to anatomy. Laboratory includes study of a prosected cadaver. Lab Fee: $265 (34 lecture hours, 70 lab hours and 6 conference, discussion or seminar hours). Prerequisite: Admission into Pathologists' Assistant graduate program.CLLS 5502 Practice of Pathology I 5 CreditsThe student will be given the opportunity to be introduced to specimen grossing and related embryology, laboratory safety, medical terminology and medical regulation. The student will: 1) perform gross dissection procedures and related dictations; 2) begin to acquire medical and gross terminology used in pathology; 3) discuss the embryologic derivation of organ systems; 4) practice appropriate use of personal protective equipment; and 5) review regulations which govern pathology. Prerequisite: Admission into Pathologists' Assistant graduate program.CLLS 5701 PathA Clinical Rotation I 7 CreditsClinical Rotation I will integrate the student's knowledge and skills in surgical pathology. autopsy pathology, and forensic pathology settings. The student will: 1ldemonstrate the ability to apply knowledge and skills to the anatomic laboratory setting; 2) integrate previous knowledge and skills into the anatomic laboratory setting; and 3) demonstrate an attitude of cooperation and concern in interpersonal relationships with laboratory personnel and health care workers. Prerequisites: CLLS 5270. CLLS 5271 and CLLS 5173.CLLS 5702 PathA Clinical Rotation II 7 CreditsA continuation of Clinical Rotation I, Clinical Rotation II will further integrate the student’s knowledge and skills in surgical pathology, autopsy pathology, and forensic pathology settings. The student will: 1) demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge and skills to the anatomic laboratory setting; 2) integrate previous knowledge and skills into the anatomic laboratory setting; and 3) demonstrate an attitude of cooperation and concern in interpersonal relationships with laboratory personnel and health care workers. Prerequisites: CLLS 5701.CLLS 5703 PathA Clinical Rotation III 7 CreditsA continuation of Clinical Rotation I and Clinical Rotation II. Clinical Rotation Ill will continue to integrate the student's knowledge and skills in surgical pathology, autopsy pathology, and forensic pathology settings. The student will: 1) demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge and skills to the anatomic laboratory setting: 2) integrate previous knowledge and skills into the anatomic laboratory setting: and 3) demonstrate an attitude of cooperation and concern in interpersonal relationships with laboratory personnel and health care workers. Prerequisites: CLLS 5702. MSHP 5301 Medical Ethics 3 CreditsThe student will be given the opportunity to: 1) describe ethics and values in a health care setting; 2) evaluate the values of ethical principles among health care professionals; 3) assess the process of resolution when presented with an ethical dilemma; 4) apply ethical standards related to mental health, experimentation on human subjects, patient consent, genetics, and rights to death, and; 5) integrate the knowledge of medical ethics into the health care practice (45 lecture hours per enrollment period). Prerequisite: None. Quick LinksClinical Laboratory Sciences HomePathologists' Assistant HomeAcademicsAttend Open HouseAdmissionsCurriculumProgram CostsThe ProfessionFaculty & StaffPreceptorshipsCampus SitesEssential FunctionsMarketable SkillsMission & ValuesResources