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Master of Science in Transfusion Medicine

The Master of Science in Transfusion Medicine (MSTM) degree is designed to prepare Specialist in Blood Bank (SBB) certified individuals for a career in education, consultation, administration, management or research in the areas of immunohematology and transfusion therapy. SBB certified professionals who have attained SBB certification through completion of a CAAHEP accredited SBB program or by the experience route are eligible for the UTMB MSTM program.

Fast Facts

  • The UTMB Master of Science in Transfusion Medicine was established in 2011.
  • Individuals with SBB certification can complete their Master's degree online.
  • Individuals who do not hold a SBB certification can qualify to obtain certification as a SBB and complete their Master's degree online.
  • The degree plan for SBB program graduates includes 6-7 credits awarded for the SBB program.

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Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences
301 University Blvd.
Galveston, TX 77555-1140
O: SHP/SON 4.446
P: 409-772-3055
F: 409-291-5498

Site managed by the School of Health Professions • Last Updated: 21-MAR-2025