Selected Publications by SCSB Faculty
Last Updated February 2025
- Nicholls P, Bujalowski PJ, Epstein HF, Boehning DF, Barral JM, Oberhauser AF. "Chaperone-mediated reversible inhibition of the sarcomeric myosin power stroke." FEBS Lett. 2014 Nov 3;588(21):3977-81.
- Braun W, Schein CH. "Membrane interaction and functional plasticity of inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatases." Structure. 2014 May 6;22(5):664-6.
- Markofski MM, Braun WA. "Influence of menstrual cycle on indices of contraction-induced muscle damage." J Strength Cond Res. 2014 Sep;28(9):2649-56.
- Teramoto T, Boonyasuppayakorn S, Handley M, Choi KH, Padmanabhan R. "Substitution of NS5 N-terminal domain of dengue virus type 2 RNA with type 4 domain caused impaired replication and emergence of adaptive mutants with enhanced fitness." J Biol Chem. 2014 Aug 8;289(32):22385-400.
- Choi KH, Morais M. "Use of small-angle X-ray scattering to investigate the structure and function of dengue virus NS3 and NS5." Methods Mol Biol. 2014;1138:241-52.
- Gottipati K, Acholi S, Ruggli N, Choi KH. "Autocatalytic activity and substrate specificity of the pestivirus N-terminal protease Npro." Virology. 2014 Mar;452-453:303-9.
- Be NA, Thissen JB, Fofanov VY, Allen JE, Rojas M, Golovko G, Fofanov Y, Koshinsky H, Jaing CJ. "Metagenomic Analysis of the Airborne Environment in Urban Spaces." Microb Ecol. 2014 Oct 29.
- Stepanov VG, Xiao Y, Tran Q, Rojas M, Willson RC, Fofanov Y, Fox GE, Roberts DJ. "The presence of nitrate dramatically changed the predominant microbial community in perchlorate degrading cultures under saline conditions." BMC Microbiol. 2014 Sep 7;14(1):225.
- Miller AL, Geng C, Golovko G, Sharma M, Schwartz JR, Yan J, Sowers L, Widger WR, Fofanov Y, Vedeckis WV, Thompson EB. "Epigenetic alteration by DNA-demethylating treatment restores apoptotic response to glucocorticoids in dexamethasone-resistant human malignant lymphoid cells." Cancer Cell Int. 2014 Apr 23;14:35.
- Zandarashvili L, Iwahara J. "Temperature dependence of internal motions of protein side-chain NH3+ groups: Insight into energy barriers for transient breakage of hydrogen bonds." Biochemistry. 2014 Dec 9.
- Esadze A, Zandarashvili L, Iwahara J. "Effective strategy to assign 1H- 15N heteronuclear correlation NMR signals from lysine side-chain NH3+ groups of proteins at low temperature." J Biomol NMR. 2014 Sep;60(1):23-7.
- Esadze A, Kemme CA, Kolomeisky AB, Iwahara J. "Positive and negative impacts of nonspecific sites during target location by a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein: origin of the optimal search at physiological ionic strength." Nucleic Acids Res. 2014;42(11):7039-46.
- Esadze A, Iwahara J. "Stopped-flow fluorescence kinetic study of protein sliding and intersegment transfer in the target DNA search process." J Mol Biol 2014 Jan;426(1):230-44.
- Maillard RA, Liu T, Beasley DW, Barrett AD, Hilser VJ, Lee JC. "Thermodynamic mechanism for the evasion of antibody neutralization in flaviviruses." J Am Chem Soc. 2014 Jul 23;136(29):10315-24.
- Dey N, Sinha M, Gupta S, Gonzalez MN, Fang R, Endsley JJ, Luxon BA, Garg NJ. "Caspase-1/ASC Inflammasome-Mediated Activation of IL-1β-ROS-NF-κB Pathway for Control of Trypanosoma cruzi Replication and Survival Is Dispensable in NLRP3-/- Macrophages." PLoS One. 2014 Nov 5;9(11):e111539.
- Lichti CF, Fan X, English RD, Zhang Y, Li D, Kong F, Sinha M, Andersen CR, Spratt H, Luxon BA, Green TA. "Environmental enrichment alters protein expression as well as the proteomic response to cocaine in rat nucleus accumbens." Front Behav Neurosci. 2014 Jul 21;8:246.
- Nenov MN, Laezza F, Haidacher SJ, Zhao Y, Sadygov RG, Starkey JM, Spratt H, Luxon BA, Dineley KT, Denner L. "Cognitive enhancing treatment with a PPARγ agonist normalizes dentate granule cell presynaptic function in Tg2576 APP mice." J Neurosci. 2014 Jan 15;34(3):1028-36.
- Luxon BA. "Metabolomics in asthma." Adv Exp Med Biol. 2014;795:207-20.
- Bujalowski PJ, Nicholls P, Oberhauser AF. "UNC-45B chaperone: the role of its domains in the interaction with the myosin motor domain." Biophys J. 2014 Aug 5;107(3):654-61.
- Harris RC, Drake JA, Pettitt BM. "Multibody correlations in the hydrophobic solvation of glycine peptides." J Chem Phys. 2014 Dec 14;141(22):22D525.
- Lichti CF, Mostovenko E, Wadsworth PA, Lynch GC, Pettitt BM, Sulman EP, Wang Q, Lang FF, Rezeli M, Marko-Varga G, Végvári A, Nilsson CL. "Systematic Identification of Single Amino Acid Variants in Glioma Stem-Cell-Derived Chromosome 19 Proteins." J Proteome Res. 2014 Nov 25.
- Lynch GC, Perkyns JS, Nguyen BL, Pettitt BM. "Solvation and cavity occupation in biomolecules." Biochim Biophys Acta. 2014 Sep 28. pii: S0304-4165(14)00322-5.
- Harris RC, Pettitt BM. "Effects of geometry and chemistry on hydrophobic solvation." Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Oct 14;111(41):14681-6.
- Karandur D, Wong KY, Pettitt BM. "Solubility and aggregation of Gly(5) in water." J Phys Chem B. 2014 Aug 14;118(32):9565-72.
- Tomar DS, Weber V, Pettitt BM, Asthagiri D. "Conditional solvation thermodynamics of isoleucine in model peptides and the limitations of the group-transfer model." J Phys Chem B. 2014 Apr 17;118(15):4080-7.
- Truchon JF, Pettitt BM, Labute P. "A Cavity Corrected 3D-RISM Functional for Accurate Solvation Free Energies." J Chem Theory Comput. 2014 Mar 11;10(3):934-941.
- Wang Q, Pettitt BM. "Modeling DNA thermodynamics under torsional stress." Biophys J. 2014 Mar 4;106(5):1182-93.
- Joseph PR, Rajarathnam K. "Solution NMR characterization of WT CXCL8 monomer and dimer binding to CXCR1 N-terminal domain." Protein Sci. 2014 Oct 18.
- Sepuru KM, Poluri KM, Rajarathnam K. "Solution structure of CXCL5--a novel chemokine and adipokine implicated in inflammation and obesity." PLoS One. 2014 Apr 2;9(4):e93228.
- Lu Z, Wang Y, Chen F, Tong H, Reddy MV, Luo L, Seshadrinathan S, Zhang L, Holthauzen LM, Craig AM, Ren G, Rudenko G. "Calsyntenin-3 molecular architecture and interaction with neurexin 1α." J Biol Chem. 2014 Dec 12;289(50):34530-42.
- Cates HM, Thibault M, Pfau M, Heller E, Eagle A, Gajewski P, Bagot R, Colangelo C, Abbott T, Rudenko G, Neve R, Nestler EJ, Robison AJ. "Threonine 149 phosphorylation enhances ΔFosB transcriptional activity to control psychomotor responses to cocaine." J Neurosci. 2014 Aug 20;34(34):11461-9.
- Fischer AE, Wu SK, Proescher JB, Rotem A, Chang CB, Zhang H, Tao Y, Mehoke TS, Thielen PM, Kolawole AO, Smith TJ, Wobus CE, Weitz DA, Lin JS, Feldman AB, Wolfe JT. "A high-throughput drop microfluidic system for virus culture and analysis." J Virol Methods. 2014 Dec 16. pii: S0166-0934(14)00466-2.
- Fillingim RB, Bruehl S, Dworkin RH, Dworkin SF, Loeser JD, Turk DC, Widerstrom-Noga E, Arnold L, Bennett R, Edwards RR, Freeman R, Gewandter J, Hertz S, Hochberg M, Krane E, Mantyh PW, Markman J, Neogi T, Ohrbach R, Paice JA, Porreca F, Rappaport BA, Smith SM, Smith TJ, Sullivan MD, Verne GN, Wasan AD, Wesselmann U. "The ACTTION-American Pain Society Pain Taxonomy (AAPT): an evidence-based and multidimensional approach to classifying chronic pain conditions." J Pain. 2014 Mar;15(3):241-9.
- Theruvathu JA, Darwanto A, Hsu CW, Sowers LC. "The effect of Pot1 binding on the repair of thymine analogs in a telomeric DNA sequence." Nucleic Acids Res. 2014;42(14):9063-73.
- Tang H, Fang H, Yin E, Brasier AR, Sowers LC, Zhang K. "Multiplexed parallel reaction monitoring targeting histone modifications on the QExactive mass spectrometer." Anal Chem. 2014 Jun 3;86(11):5526-34.
- Sowers JL, Johnson KM, Conrad C, Patterson JT, Sowers LC. "The role of inflammation in brain cancer." Adv Exp Med Biol. 2014;816:75-105.
- Ali S, Shavkunov A, Panova N, Stoilova-McPhie S, Laezza F. "Modulation of the FGF14:FGF14 Homodimer Interaction Through Short Peptide Fragments." CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets. 2014;13(9):1559-70.
- Stoilova-McPhie S, Grushin K, Dalm D, Miller J. "Lipid nanotechnologies for structural studies of membrane-associated proteins." Proteins. 2014 Nov;82(11):2902-9.
- Grushin K, Miller J, Dalm D, Parker ET, Healey JF, Lollar P, Stoilova-McPhie S. "Lack of recombinant factor VIII B-domain induces phospholipid vesicle aggregation: implications for the immunogenicity of factor VIII." Haemophilia. 2014 Sep;20(5):723-31.
- Viswanathan U, Tomlinson SM, Fonner JM, Mock SA, Watowich SJ. "Identification of a novel inhibitor of dengue virus protease through use of a virtual screening drug discovery Web portal." J Chem Inf Model. 2014 Oct 27;54(10):2816-25.
- Terzian AC, Auguste AJ, Vedovello D, Ferreira MU, da Silva-Nunes M, Sperança MA, Suzuki RB, Juncansen C, Araújo JP Jr, Weaver SC, Nogueira ML. "Isolation and Characterization of Mayaro Virus from a Human in Acre, Brazil." Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2014 Dec 15. pii: 14-0417.
- Coffey LL, Failloux AB, Weaver SC. "Chikungunya Virus-Vector Interactions." Viruses. 2014 Nov 24;6(11):4628-4663.
- Althouse BM, Hanley KA, Diallo M, Sall AA, Ba Y, Faye O, Diallo D, Watts DM, Weaver SC, Cummings DA. "Impact of Climate and Mosquito Vector Abundance on Sylvatic Arbovirus Circulation Dynamics in Senegal." Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2014 Nov 17. pii: 13-0617.
- Nasar F, Gorchakov RV, Tesh RB, Weaver SC. "Eilat Virus Host Range Restriction is Present at Multiple Levels of Virus Life Cycle." J Virol. 2014 Nov 12. pii: JVI.01856-14.
- Forrester NL, Coffey LL, Weaver SC. "Arboviral bottlenecks and challenges to maintaining diversity and fitness during mosquito transmission." Viruses. 2014 Oct 23;6(10):3991-4004.
- Diallo D, Sall AA, Diagne CT, Faye O, Faye O, Ba Y, Hanley KA, Buenemann M, Weaver SC, Diallo M. "Zika virus emergence in mosquitoes in southeastern Senegal, 2011." PLoS One. 2014 Oct 13;9(10):e109442.
- Pedersen K, Marks DR, Arsnoe DM, Bevins SN, Wang E, Weaver SC, Mickley RM, DeLiberto TJ. "Antibody Prevalence of Select Arboviruses in Mute Swans (Cygnus olor) in the Great Lakes Region and Atlantic Coast of the United States." Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2014 Dec 3;91(6):1247-9.
- Weise WJ, Hermance ME, Forrester N, Adams AP, Langsjoen R, Gorchakov R, Wang E, Alcorn MD, Tsetsarkin K, Weaver SC. "A novel live-attenuated vaccine candidate for mayaro Fever." PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2014 Aug 7;8(8):e2969.
- Hanley KA, Guerbois M, Kautz TF, Brown M, Whitehead SS, Weaver SC, Vasilakis N, Marx PA. "Infection dynamics of sylvatic dengue virus in a natural primate host, the African Green Monkey." Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2014 Oct;91(4):672-6.
- Diagne CT, Faye O, Guerbois M, Knight R, Diallo D, Faye O, Ba Y, Dia I, Faye O, Weaver SC, Sall AA, Diallo M. "Vector competence of Aedes aegypti and Aedes vittatus (Diptera: Culicidae) from Senegal and Cape Verde archipelago for West African lineages of chikungunya virus." Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2014 Sep;91(3):635-41.
- Weaver SC. "Arrival of chikungunya virus in the new world: prospects for spread and impact on public health." PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2014 Jun 26;8(6):e2921.
- Tsetsarkin KA, Chen R, Yun R, Rossi SL, Plante KS, Guerbois M, Forrester N, Perng GC, Sreekumar E, Leal G, Huang J, Mukhopadhyay S, Weaver SC. "Multi-peaked adaptive landscape for chikungunya virus evolution predicts continued fitness optimization in Aedes albopictus mosquitoes." Nat Commun. 2014 Jun 16;5:4084.
- Bergren NA, Auguste AJ, Forrester NL, Negi SS, Braun WA, Weaver SC. "Western equine encephalitis virus: evolutionary analysis of a declining alphavirus based on complete genome sequences." J Virol. 2014 Aug;88(16):9260-7.
- Gorchakov RV, Tesh RB, Weaver SC, Nasar F. "Generation of an infectious Negev virus cDNA clone." J Gen Virol. 2014 Sep;95(Pt 9):2071-4.
- Diallo D, Sall AA, Diagne CT, Faye O, Hanley KA, Buenemann M, Ba Y, Faye O, Weaver SC, Diallo M. "Patterns of a sylvatic yellow fever virus amplification in southeastern Senegal, 2010." Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2014 Jun;90(6):1003-13.
- Althouse BM, Durbin AP, Hanley KA, Halstead SB, Weaver SC, Cummings DA. " Viral kinetics of primary dengue virus infection in non-human primates: a systematic review and individual pooled analysis." Virology. 2014 Mar;452-453:237-46.
- Zemla A, Kostova T, Gorchakov R, Volkova E, Beasley DW, Cardosa J, Weaver SC, Vasilakis N, Naraghi-Arani P. "GeneSV - an Approach to Help Characterize Possible Variations in Genomic and Protein Sequences." Bioinform Biol Insights. 2014 Jan 8;8:1-16.
- Roy CJ, Adams AP, Wang E, Plante K, Gorchakov R, Seymour RL, Vinet-Oliphant H, Weaver SC. "Chikungunya vaccine candidate is highly attenuated and protects nonhuman primates against telemetrically monitored disease following a single dose." J Infect Dis. 2014 Jun 15;209(12):1891-9.
- Trobaugh DW, Gardner CL, Sun C, Haddow AD, Wang E, Chapnik E, Mildner A, Weaver SC, Ryman KD, Klimstra WB. "RNA viruses can hijack vertebrate microRNAs to suppress innate immunity." Nature. 2014 Feb 13;506(7487):245-8.
- Auguste AJ, Carrington CV, Forrester NL, Popov VL, Guzman H, Widen SG, Wood TG, Weaver SC, Tesh RB. "Characterization of a novel Negevirus and a novel Bunyavirus isolated from Culex (Culex) declarator mosquitoes in Trinidad." J Gen Virol. 2014 Feb;95(Pt 2):481-5.