The 20th Annual Structural Biology Annual Symposium -  2015

The SCSB celebrates the twentieth anniversary of our Annual Symposium. Over the past 20 years the Center has hosted world renowned scientists and leaders in the fields of structural biology and molecular biophysics. This year we were excited to continue that tradition with diverse group of speakers. We were welcoming back all of the Center's past directors.


  • A. Keith Dunker, Professor, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Indiana University School of Medicine
    Title: "Getting Better Protein Models from a Given Diffraction Data Set: Moving Beyond Conventional Practices"
  • Junji Iwahara, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX
    Title: "Protein Dynamics in DNA Recognition and Scanning"
  • Lewis Kay, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON
    Title: "Seeing the Invisible by NMR Spectroscopy"
  • Susan S. Taylor, University of California, San Diego, CA
    Howard Hughes Medical Institute, San Diego, CA
    Title: "Dynamic Assembly of Macromolecular Signaling Complexes"
  • George Rose, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
    Title: "Conformational Entropy: The Neglected Free Energy Term in Protein Folding"
  • Robert D. Wells, Texas A&M Health Science Center, Houston, TX
    Title: "DNA Structure Matters"

Poster Winners

  • Alexandre Esadze — Postdoc, UTMB
  • Sekhar Manukonda — Postdoc, UTMB
  • David Marciano — Postdoc, Baylor College of Medicine
  • Premila Samuel — Student, Rice University
  • Arijit Dutta — Student, UTMB
  • Anisha Perez — Student, Rice University