Gabrielle DewsonPh.D. Student

I am a first-year student in BCMB on the Molecular Biology track conducting my first rotation in Dr. Nir’s lab. Before starting at UTMB, I was a research assistant at Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) in Portland, Oregon, under the mentorship of Dr. Daniel Liefwalker and Dr. Rosalie Sears. We investigated the metabolic convergence on the lipogenesis pathways in lymphomas driven by different oncogenes. In 2019, I earned my B.A. in Biology from Willamette University, where my thesis project came from my internship in cancer biology at OHSU.
My research interest is to understand the epigenetic mechanisms of cancer in minority populations. My goal after getting both my Ph.D. is to work in an academic setting to continue doing research and teaching. Outside the lab, I love reading, swimming, and playing with my cat Koda. I’m enjoying island life and am looking forward to continuing to explore all that Galveston and Houston have to offer.