Geriatric Nurse Practitioner Melissa C. Lockhart, PhD, APRN, GNP-BC was recently invited to present, Protect Your Loved Ones. Obtain the Forms Everyone Should Have, in the weekly "Time-Out" Session hosted by the UTMB Health Resource Center on February 5, 2020 at 2pm in Jennie Sealy 2.506A. Dr. Lockhart is currently involved in the Dementia Care Study (D-CARE). Learn more about the Research Volunteer Registry.
"Time-Out “is a weekly educational/support session for caregivers and family members of UTMB patients, to support them in their adjustment and maintenance of their caregiver role. These sessions are facilitated by UTMB students and staff and will occur every Wednesday at 2pm in Jennie Sealy 2.506A. Sessions will last around 30 minutes and will address topics that fall into the following categories: Relaxation, Self-Care, Discharge Planning, and Medical Topics. ***Families, caregivers, patients, staff and students are welcome to attend these sessions***
If you have questions or are interested in facilitating a session, please contact Savannah Parks at sjparks@utmb.edu or 409-266-7542.