
Training and Education

The Department of Pharmacy is committed to advancing the practice of pharmacy. This commitment is achieved in areas including our Residency program in Pharmacy Practice, Internal Staff Development initiatives, our Technician Training program, and the Pharmacy Student Rotations established for two schools of pharmacy.

Residency in Pharmacy Practice

UTMB participates in the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists accredited residency program. The one-year program provides a challenging learning and practice experience. The resident will complete a series of structured rotations through areas including drug information, internal medicine, pharmacy practice management and ambulatory care. In addition, the resident has the opportunity to select elective / specialized rotations that match their specific interests to provide a well rounded, practical experience. Continue reading...

Internal Staff Development

Ongoing initiatives are pursued to ensure continued professional growth of our employees (both professional staff and technical staff). This includes the provision of Continuing Education programs hosted within the department, continued expansion in clinical responsibilities of the pharmacy staff, and the commitment to work with employees furthering their education.

Student Rotations

UTMB serves as an experiential site for pharmacy students enrolled at the University of Texas and the University of Houston. Clinical rotations provide experience in patient medication consultation, drug regimen review, basic clinical pharmacokinetics, age or disease-specific dosing considerations, and drug information. Hospital rotations provide experience in preparation of sterile products, extemporaneous compounding, medication distributions systems / automation, and outpatient medication systems.

UTMB also serves as an experiential site for pharmacy technician students enrolled at College of the Mainland. Activities of the hospital rotation focus on providing students with direct exposure to the dynamics of the hospital pharmacy workplace. Throughout the rotation experience, students will have considerable exposure to extemporaneous compounding, sterile compounding, dispensing and prepackaging, automation and medication distribution systems.