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PhRMA Foundation Funding Opportunity

Feb 28, 2019, 17:30 PM by Melodi Moore

The PhRMA Foundation recently announced its call for candidates for the 2019 Value Assessment Challenge Awards, which provide a total of $85,000
to support papers that advance solutions to the following question:

What are innovative,patient-centered approaches to contribute to health care value assessment that move beyond the inherent limitations of analyses based on the quality-adjusted life year metric?

The winner will receive $50,000, the runner-up will receive $25,000, and third and fourth place awardees will receive $5,000. The PhRMA Foundation will host a public forum in 2019 to highlight activities funded by this program, where awardees will present their winning papers. 

Candidates for 2019 Challenge Awards should submit letters of intent (not to exceed 600 words) to the Foundation no later than March 15, 2019 to initiate the application process.  Qualified applicants will be contacted no later than April 1, 2019, with a request to submit the full paper describing their response to the challenge question.

For more information on submission guidelines and background, visit:

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