We are looking for new members to join the UTMB Health Development Board. Potential candidates should be available to:
Learn the mission, goals, programs and services of UTMB Health
Foster the mission and purposes of UTMB Health
Participate in UTMB Health programs
Assist UTMB Health in maintaining a strong financial position

As a member of the UTMB Development Board, you have taken on an exciting responsibility. For generations, the Development Board has been a driver of UTMB’s continued progress, inspiring a rich tradition of philanthropic engagement.
Your involvement in the life of the university—both through your advocacy of UTMB people and programs and through your personal generosity—is truly game-changing. Our successes across the spectrum of academic health are a product of your visionary support of time and resources.
Please call (409) 772-5136 or email development@utmb.edu for inquiries.