Mentoring Faculty

Name & AffiliationResearch Focus & Funding Mentoring Background

Soham Al Snih, MD, PhD (UTMB) Professor, Population Health & Health Disparities

Obesity, minority (Hispanic) health, physical functionR03 (PI), R01 (PI) Director of PhD Curriculum, mentors pre-doc, MD fellows, and MS students
Jacques Baillargeon, PhD (UTMB) Professor & Chair ad InterimMen’s health, testosterone & prostate cancer, epidemiologyU01 leader Men’s Health team Mentors pre- and post-doc students
Abbey Berenson, MD, PhD (UTMB) ProfessorObstetrics & Gynecology Women’s cancer preventionK12 (PI) Women’s health, Mentors junior faculty, post-doc, and research fellows
James S. Goodwin, MD (UTMB) Professor, Geriatrics & Palliative MedicineComparative effectiveness research, barriers to health care deliveryR01 (PI), K05 (PI), CPRIT grant (PI) PI CPRIT grant with mentoring of junior clinical investigators, former PI of P30 and T32
Jill Fleuriet, PhD (UTSA) Professor, Anthropology Cultural and medical anthropology, determinants of health, healthcare, and wellbeing (NSF) Assoc Dean Faculty Success; Assoc Dean Honors College
Yong-Fang Kuo, PhD (UTMB) Professor & Chair, Biostatistics and Data Science Biostatistics Comparative effectiveness research 2 R01’s (PI), T32 (PI), CPRIT (PI) AHRQ T32 PI, mentor junior faculty, pre- and post-doc students, fellows
Elizabeth Lyons, PhD, MPH (UTMB) Associate Professor & Chair ad Interim, Nutrition and Metabolism Technology to improve physical activity mHealth, R21 (PI), ACS grant (PI), R01 pending (PI) Mentors PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, and junior faculty
Kyriakos Markides, PhD (UTMB) Professor, Population Health & Health Disparities Aging and health in the Mexican American population, minority aging P30 (PI), R01 (PI), T32 (PI) RCMAR PI, mentors junior faculty, pre- and post-doc students/fellows
Emily Nicklett, PhD (UTSA), Associate Professor, Social Work and Public Health Minority aging, social gerontology, chronic disease, health promotion, CBPR approaches (NIH, AHRQ, RWJF) Mentors junior faculty, pre- and postdoctoral fellows
Amelie Ramirez, PhD (UTHSCSA), Professor and Chair, Population Health Sciences Population health Cancer, social determinants of health, clinical trials, health communications, tobacco prevention (NCI, P30, UG3(MPI), ACS, Komen, CPRIT) Director, Inst on H Promotion; Assoc Dir, Comm Outreach and Engagement; mentors junior faculty, pre-and-post-doctoral fellows
Fernando Rios-Mena, MD (UTMB), Assistant Professor, Population Health Health disparities, maternal and child health, epidemiologyMentors junior faculty, undergraduate, graduate students

UTMB: University of Texas Medical Branch; UTSA: University of Texas at San Antonio; CPRIT: Cancer Prevention Research in Texas; UTHSCSA: UT Health Sciences Center at San Antonio; WHO/PAHO: World Health Organization/Pan American Health Organization

Contact Us

Kelley Prevou Sitgreaves, Research Project Manager
Phone: (409) 747-1987
Fax:  (409) 772-8931
Mailing address:
Rebecca Sealy 6.622 4.530
301 University Blvd.
Galveston, Texas 77555-0177

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Last updated: Oct 28, 2024

The Texas Resource Center on Minority Aging Research (RCMAR) is based at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB). It includes mentors from UTMB, the University of Texas at San Antonio, the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, and the University of Texas at Austin. Funding is provided by the National Institute on Aging, Grant Number P30AG059301. Contact Roxann Grover, MA regarding updates to this content.