Susan Chubinskaya, PhD, MS joined UTMB in February 2024 as Vice President and Executive Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs. She is a tenured Professor in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation and holds the Peaches and Shrub Kempner Distinguished Professorship in Health Disparities.
Dr. Chubinskaya fills a key executive leadership role within the Academic Enterprise, where she leads the strategic development and direction for faculty affairs, faculty development, mentoring, and career advancement programs. This includes oversight of the Health Education Center (HEC), Institutional Effectiveness program, and the Community Engagement and Education program. She also provides strategic direction for the CME/CNE efforts by supporting the UTMB community by way of webinars, virtual learning, and innovative events focused on knowledge and skills. She also serves as the Provost liaison to our Faculty Senate colleagues.
Previously, Dr. Chubinskaya served as Vice Provost, Faculty Affairs, and the Klaus Kuettner Professor of Osteoarthritis Research at Rush University. Dr. Chubinskaya graduated from The Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) Program at Drexel University College of Medicine in 2014 and also became a certified executive coach in 2022.
For 31 years, she played a vital role in the current success of Rush University. Dr. Chubinskaya joined Rush in 1993 as a postdoctoral fellow. In 2007 she was named The Klaus Kuettner Professor of Osteoarthritis Research and was then appointed to Vice Provost of Faculty Affairs in 2010.
As a researcher, she is an internationally recognized authority in the field of cartilage repair/regeneration, especially in post-traumatic and degenerative osteoarthritis. Dr. Chubinskaya received many awards and recognitions for her research and academic leadership. Most recently she has been presented with the 2024 Orthopaedic Research Society Arthur Steindler, MD, Award. Her work in Faculty Affairs was recognized by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) by awarding her office with the 2019 Group on Women in Medicine and Science (GWIMS/AAMC) Leadership Award for an organization.
She held multiple leadership positions and served on the Boards of professional societies including being the President of the Orthopedic Research Society in 2020. For many years she served on multiple study sections and review panels. In 2022, she was appointed as a member of the Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) Programmatic review panel.